I'm Back Biscuits!!!

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I wake up to the sound of my sweet alarm. Note the sarcasm. The alarm is only telling me that it is the first day back at the one place I didn't want to return to. Wesley High. You see, I was bullied my whole freshman year by everyone except two people. My best friends Raven and Camila. They were the only one's nice to me. After i left, i still kept in touch with them, but didn't tell them I was coming back. I wanted to surprise them. When I mean them, i mean EVERYBODY. I'm gonna show them that I'm not the same girl they could hurt for fun.

The only reason I'm really going back to that lame excuse of a high school is because i almost went to jail and my mom refused to keep that on my record. I mean come on now, that would have been cool! Well, I've been arrested a bunch of times , but my mom would not have that. There is also another reason but I can't get into that. It hurts to even think about it.

Anyway, I get up, brush my teeth, rinse, told myself i could handle it, and leave. I get dressed in a black bralet, black leggings, clear coverall, and white tennis shoes. Then i go back in the bathroom to do my hair. My hair is in curls.

 My hair is in curls

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

After i walk down the stairs, I say a quick good morning to my mom, grab a granola bar, and my keys

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

After i walk down the stairs, I say a quick good morning to my mom, grab a granola bar, and my keys. Yep, that's right. I have a car now. A matte black Lamborghini to be exact. My mom bought it for me as a "i'm sorry for how they treated you" gift. I don't like petty, but hey, it got me a car.

On my way to school, i start to get nervous and my hands start to sweat. Come on! I'm going to the place that had me driving out of her on a freaking Wednesday!  That day was the first time i cut class. And the first day i met Noah. Noah is my best friend from California, the place i move to, and was my neighbor.  I miss him like crazy and it has been a month since I saw him.

I pull up to the school and instantly get various stares from everyone. As i step out the car, i recognize some faces that are looking at me in awe and curiosity. Ugh, I hate this place. I walk into the school and get wolf whistles from i group of guys to my right. I recognize one of them. His name is John Brown. We had a class together and he was super  nice. That was before he...never mind. I showed them my favorite finger and walk to the main office to get my schedule and locker number.

"Hey, Ms Grundy, I'm here to get my, wait you know why i'm here," I say laughing when she looks up to me. "Good morning Ms. Carter . Here you go. How have you been?" She asks me after giving me what i need. " I'm good now. See ya later" I say giving her a peace sign. It takes me a minute to find my locker even though i know my way around this school as if it's on the back of my hand. After i get my books for first period,  I'm on my way.  I make my way in the class and everyone stops talking to look at me. "Hello there, you must be new. Please introduce yourself," my teacher, who's name i probably won't remember, says. "Alright cool" I say then turn to face the class that i am about to shock. "Hey, my name is Faith Carter"



Hi there! This is my first story on here and i don't know how good i am. Feel free to tell me if i made a grammar mistake or your feelings toward this story. XOXO

Guess Who's BackNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ