"Im moving on"

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AN: Hey y'all. So I actually got a vote!!!!! by the angel thank you so much!!!

This one is going to be based on the tv show charmed. It's about everyone's favorite whitelighter from the future Chris Halliwell. If you aren't familiar with the show or his character, I will try and cover whatever needs to be covered.

"I'm moving on"

Chris Halliwell was flipping through the famous Book of Shadows, looking for another lead on who turned his brother evil.

As he looked through, he noticed the entries of demons that would eventually become Wyatt's go to for finding and bringing him to Wyatt.

He remembered the battles that he went through to stay away from his brother, and the ones he lost.

Yes, Wyatt tortured him, but would always heal him when he finished.

He would always want the same thing. To offer him a chance to join Wyatt and not have to worry about getting killed.

Of course, Chris never did join him. Wyatt would always say that Chris' stubbornness would get him killed.

So here he was in the year 2003, risking his own self to save the world. To save the one his father would call the important one, when he would train him and not chris.

It hurt to see his family, after all these years of not having them in his life. It hurt even worse when his mother, who once would look at him with such love, would look at him with distrust and even dislike.

But Chris knew that that was the best way. That when he finished what his mission it wouldn't hurt as bad I leave them.

Yes some of things he had done while in the past where not the best and he's come to accept that.

Besides, he broke up his parents, and even though he and his aunts are trying anything they can to get them back together. He can feel his time running out, his powers weaker than before.

And soon enough, he will cease to exist.

Chris knew that it was his own fault for his parents divorce. If he didn't push His father in the path of becoming an elder, he would have never left and maybe his parents could have stayed together.

But Chris also knew that his parents where already in bad terms when he got to the past and would eventually break up.

He just couldn't think of another way to get close to the sisters, to become their whitelighter.

It was stupid and he wish he could've find a better way. but maybe it was for the best, he always felt like a burden to his family. The weak one, especially with his father, he couldn't even heal. And all whitelighters can do that!

Maybe his mother would be alive, if it wasn't for him. she died trying to protect me and that's when Wyatt really started going to the side of evil.

He needed to leave. he needed to move on. He shouldn't even be in the past.

It was hi conception date and his parents where missing and he was starting to fade away.

First it was his hand and then eventually his whole body went transparent.

He was scared at first, but then he just gave in to he feeling.

His family was better off without him, it was for the best.

So as he finally faded away he said goodbye to his family and ceased to exist.

AN: this really isn't as good as I hoped. I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense to people who have never seen the show.

I'm also sorry if I spoiled the show for you. but if you have any questions about anything, just comment or dm me.

I always thought this son fit Chris' journey through-out the show.

Thanks for reading.

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