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It was needless to say that in all the time the members took in preparation for the S-class trials Natsu had gone through every expense imaginable to make sure that during the week he was going to be away that Sorano would be absolutely safe. He had gotten Freed to in his own words 'superfy' the already present ruines, he got alarm systems and fortified his house to the point where it resembled a military bunker. Currently everyone was at the making final preps for the trials as they were to start the next day.

But before that could happen Sorano wanted to make things right with her previous spirits, she had decided that she had been putting it off for long enough and she didn't want to any further. So with a little encouragement from Natsu she had now confronted Lucy.

"What do you want?" Lucy asked with venom in her voice glaring at Sorano, "I want to apologise to you and your spirits" Sorano said in an even tone while Natsu watched on from the side-lines to make sure nothing bad happens. "Oh you think apologising is gonna make things right with them" Lucy said sarcastically before Loke appeared beside. "I may not speak for the other spirits but I do for myself, what you've done cannot be erased or made up for by a simple apology" Loke said in a slightly angry tone.

"I know that but it's a start so please, please let me apologize to Aries and the others" Sorano said clenching her fists as she did so, it wasn't out of anger but more so because she was scared to face Aries and the others again. "I won't late you near Aries ever again!" Natsu was getting ready to step in when he noticed Loke's right fist glowing an orange yellow colour but before he could do.

"I don't recommend that Leo!" a dep voice said a Sorano's white key glowed before revealing Draco in-between the two celestial mages. "Who the hell are you?" Loke asked glaring at the newcomer. "I am Draco, a new celestial spirit born between the union of Lady Sorano's and Sir Natsu's magic; in a sense I am their child" Draco said in a completely even voice making all those present widen their eyes at the statement.

"How can you create a celestial spirit?" Lucy asked Loke who could only shrug, "With one of these" Sorano said simply before revealing her white key to Loke and Lucy. "I've never seen a key like that, do you know anything about it" once again the blonde asked Loke. "Sorry I've never seen anything like" Loke said surprising Lucy, if the leader of the Zodiac didn't know then the only other person she could think of would be the celestial spirit king.

"Can we please get back to matter at hand, please even if it's just Aries I really want to apologise?" Sorano asked but this time her voice was much sadder than before. Lucy looked to Loke before they exchanged a nod. "Fine but don't try anything funny" Loke warned before Lucy swipe Aries key through the air summoning her.

"Hi Aries long time no see" Sorano said with a smile upon the spirit's arrival however things could have gone better and immediately Aries jumped behind Loke causing Sorano to frown. "Aries, please I just want to say something" Sorano pleaded with the Ram spirit but she just turned away from her, "No go away, i don't want to hear it" Aries practically shouted resulting in Sorano frowning before sending Draco back through his gate. If it was gonna be like this with all her previous spirits, then it would just prove to be even more painful than not apologising.

The white haired stellar spirit mage began walking away but not before looking over her shoulder, the frown still present on her face. "I'm sorry for everything, that's all I wanted to say" Sorano's tone was saddened even if she tried to hide it. She continued to walk until she was beside Natsu, "Let's go I don't know if I can stay here for the rest of the day; I haven't exactly been feeling too good the last couple of mornings" the stellar spirit mage revealed before Natsu took in her unusually pale complexion.

"If you want we can go to Porlyusica to see if anything's wrong" Natsu asked as the pair continued to walk out of the guild and into the town. Sorano just shook her head, "I don't think it's anything serious, I'm probably just hungry; I haven't been eating properly these last few days either so that's most likely it" Sorano revealed causing Natsu to bare a thoughtful expression, "Well it matches up time wise, hopefully your right" Natsu said with his trademark grin before they went home for the rest of the day and Sorano asked Natsu for some very weird food requests even by his standard.

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