Romania x Moldova:you are like a skeleton

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Romania was there,home.It's a beautiful country,with large plains full of grain.Grain as yellow as the middle color of the romanian flag.The sky was as blue as the sea today,that blue - reflected in the national flag.But today,the scars were showing the red color of the flag.Today it was the day that reminded Romania of his little brother,Moldova.

Moldova used to be a part of Romania.When they were young,they were inseparable.Both nations dream,along with Transylvania's dream,was to be together forever,as a country.Moldova lived that dream for a little while.But...

Romania remembered Moldova.A little nation,struggling to remain alive.A nation that shares the same religion,blood and,somehow,language with him.People in Romania today have to recognise Moldova as a country,they have to treat their brothers like some strangers.Vladimir is hurt and will forever be.The ones that should be the same thing try now to live apart.It hurts when moldavian young people offend Romania just becase it isn't so rich.It hurts when romanian people say that Moldova is useless and too little to protect itself.

Moldova was visiting Romania today.They live closely,so they use to come over sometimes.

-Uh,Moldova,what are you doing today?You look really pale...


-You are scared about something?Tell me,I am your brother after all....

Moldova look Romania right in the eyes:

-I miss the ''Great Romania''(It means the united Romania,including Moldova and all the teritories lost after wars).

Romania is surprised.Moldova is usually a cheerful boy.And now...

-You know,we both miss each other.Also,everyone miss the old times.You are not the only one.I am also  looking for someone too keep me warm.We romanians may look happy or somehow cold,but deep inside,we all need someone near us.Since you became a country,I feel lonely.Not because you were important in economy or things like that.No!We both now that through our veins runs the same blood,the Dacic blood.Also,we are Latin,too!We've been hit by others,they were every time trying to keep us apart.You know that I am not a bad country!You know that I can be kind,I wanna hurt no one.You know that,if we unite,I won't be able to be mean with you.But still,still...,said Vladimir nearly crying.

-Brother,you are like a skeleton!

Romania raised his blood-like eyes up to his little brother.

-All you ever wanted was to be united like you were at the beginning.But,because of the time,you can't.

-Moldova,you became creepy,do you know this?

-Said the vampire.

A smile appeared on Romania's face.It's true,they may look creepy.Maybe,one day,he will be as lonely as Russia.But,if that happens,it makes no sense for Romania to live,because,if he is lonely,it means Moldova died.And an angel can't live with a broken wing,as blood brothers can't live one without the other.

Romania hugs Moldova.

-Do you know?''A hurt ,taken by force bird is the sister Basarabia''(Basarabia is another name for Moldova;this quote is taken from and old military romanian song)

They both look at each other.Yes,they were the same.

(I fell in love with Romania and Moldova)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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