Chapter Nine

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"Today's the day." May smiled, gripping my shoulders from behind me.

I nodded and stared at my reflection, letting out a loud breath as I studied my hair and makup, "Do I look okay?"

"Okay? Sweetie, you look gorgeous. Peter's going to love it."

"I hope so." I chuckled slightly, "Can you go get me some water, please?"

"Sure." she smiled before walking out of the room.

I stood up and walked over to the full length mirror, studying the dress and how I looked. I nodded slightly and glanced up when the door opened again, freezing when I saw who it was.

"Hello, Chloe. Long time, no see." Harry Osborn smiled, shutting and locking the door, "How have you been? Getting married to the 'amazing' Spiderman, I see." he chuckled, using air quotations.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, turning around quickly.

"I came here to congratulate you and all that." he said, waving his hand, "And..stop you from having the happiest day of your life." he shrugged before jumping on his hoverboard and quickly picking me up around my waist.

I screamed loudly as he flew quickly into the air. Peter was in the main part of the church, patiently waiting for me to walk down the aisle, so he couldn't hear me. I suddenly remember I have powers and I could fight this bastard off. I rolled my eyes at myself and quickly pushed myself out of his arms.

I lit my hands up and quickly threw the energy at him, hitting him multiple times. Once he was distracted, I started flying back to the church, thanking God everyone around who was attending the wedding was already inside. I landed in front of the doors and glanced back, seeing Harry gliding down towards me again. I ran inside, stopping when I got to the door. I pulled them open, everyone turning to look at me, Peter's eyes lighting up then a confused look crossing his face when he saw my own panicked one.

"I need to borrow my fiance." I stated in a rush, hearing the doors being thrown open.

Peter quickly ran down the aisle towards me, "What's going on?" he mumbled, glancing behind me.

"Harry." I whispered, looking back also.

He frowned and closed the doors, blocking people from witnessing what was happening. We ran down the the front of the church again, Harry finally making his appearance again.

"Oh, hello, Peter. You look rather dashing in your tux." he chuckled, crossing his arms, "It's a shame you won't be able to enjoy your wedding."

"We beat you once," Peter said, glaring, "And we sure as hell can do it again."

"Can you now?" Harry chuckled, raising an eyebrow, "Remember Gwen, Peter?"

"Gwen?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You never told her about Gwen? The girl you were dating before Chloe made an appearance into your life? That's a shame. She was a sweet girl, beautiful too. You just loved her all those years ago. I hate what I did to her." he sighed, shaking his head.

"That's old news, Harry." Peter stated, his fist clenched and a hurt look in his eyes.

"Since he won't do any explaining, allow me." Harry stated, jumping off his hoverboard and pacing around the room, "Gwen Stacy. Beautiful, smart, the love of Peter's life-well, before you. About seven months before you arrived, he was dating her. They were practically inseparable. That is, until I accidently dropped her." he chuckled, shrugging.

"Why have you never told me about her, Peter?" I asked, ignoring Harry for a second.

"I didn't think it mattered. She's gone and there's nothing I could do about it. You wouldn't really have wanted to talk to me if I said, 'Oh, hey. I'm Peter Parker and I'm still mouring from the death of my girlfriend from seven months ago.'"

"You seemed fine." I stated, crossing my arms.

"It's called a mask, Chloe. I wore a mask until I finally got over it and fell in love with you."

"So, I'm a rebound of some sort?"

"No." he frowned, shaking his head, "You never were. I honestly never planned on falling in love with you, but here we are on our wedding day." he sighed, walking closer to me.

"A day that will never be finished." Harry stated before picking me up again and jumping on his hoverboard once more.

College-Bound Superheroes (Sequel to 'Spider-who?')Where stories live. Discover now