The unexpected

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piu : thapki bhabhi....

she entered the scenario chirping but as soon as she caught the sight of the 2 most unwanted faces in her life her voice diminished.
Sahir realising her uneasiness cured it.

Sahir : thapki and bihaan i'll catch up with you both later on.

Thahaan sensed something unsusual in the air surrounding the two but both neglected it at the moment.

Piu : bhabhi sorry if i disturbed uh we'll talk later on...

Bihaan : hey princess u can talk to her we are not busy.

Thapki : yyes piu...say na

Piu : vo bhabhi i qualified for the Dance competion and they have decided me to be the main lead oh bhabhi finally i made it...

And without any delay piu was in thapki's soft embrace and the two pairs cried as the joy overflooded.
Bihaan smiled at the unison of the two orbs.

piu : bhabhi i'll deliver the news to shradha now...

Thapki : ha go na...and atb !!

Bihaan : so what you opted for ? kiss or no kiss ?

Thapki glanced here & there puzzeling bihaan and then in a second his cheeks were cherishing her plumpy lips , and within the heat of the moment the letter escaped his kingdom.

Thapki : give &  take.

Soon her figure started disappearing and bihaan stood there fondeling his bearded cheeks ,

Thapki stopped at a distance and turned around shouting out words ,

Thapki : i'll pprefer you in greyish blue jacket it complements yyou pandey ji.

Thapki safely placed the letter in her wardrobe considering dhruv's arrogant words but soon her brain started pointing towards complications ,
what if bihaan seriously harmed raman ? forced him to leave the job ? And is he really coming tonight risking his life just to see her ?  but dhruv can not be trusted...but there's no harm in checking once cause she needed raman badly right now.

Bihaan barged in assasinating her thoughts and dumping them away.

Bihaan : everyone's waiting downstairs lets move...

Thapki : yup...jjust a you go yyour watch slipped out oof your pocket..

Bihaan : kya bat hai chuk chuk gadi apna patni dharam nibha rhi hai...
(what's the matter you fulfilling a wife's duty ? )
vse not your fault anyone easily gets off the grid with bihaan's charm.

Thapki : ho gya ? so lets go....

Thapki went down ignoring his childishness .

Dhruv's outfit ,

Dhruv's outfit ,

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