We walked over to the couch and he pulled me onto his lap. He played with my ring on my finger, smiling largely at it. I turned so that I was straddling him as I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing his jaw line. He smiled and flipped us over so that he was on top of me, kissing my neck, making me moan in pleasure.

            Our lips collided and I tugged on his hair, making him moan loudly. His tongue slipped into my mouth. He tasted so amazing, and I never wanted this to end. I was madly in love with Jace and couldn’t feel any closer to him. To think once we’ve mated, we would become closer, if that was possible.

            I slipped my hands under his shirt, felling his muscular, six pack. I pulled his shirt off, giving his tanned skin, small kisses along his chest. His lips went to my mark, which now looked like a birthmark almost. It was no longer red and swollen. The pleasure raced through my body as he sucked and nibbled on my mark.

            Jace pulled my shirt off, kissing in the valley between my breasts. His tongue ran from there up my neck and to my ear. He nibbled on my earlobe, sending shivers throughout my body. His eyes stared at my chest, making me feel a bit self conscious, even though I was still wearing a bra. That went away when we kissed again, full of lust. Jace pulled away, panting.

            “We need to stop, because in a few seconds, I won’t be able to stop.” Jace breathed, calming himself down. I nodded, feeling a bit disappointed. Part of me wanted to go all the way with him, but now wasn’t the right time.

            “I love you.” I smiled.

            “And I love you. I’m going to take a shower though. I’m a turned on right now and I’ve been working all day.” He said, smirking and that’s when I saw how turned on he was.

             I pushed him off of me, and covered my eyes at his lower portion. All he did was laugh as he got up and walked away, leaving me alone on the couch. God, that was intense. I slipped back on my shirt, just in case someone came inside. I didn’t want anyone seeing me in my bra and all turned on. I fixed my hair, getting rid of the tangles that Jace caused. I started to watch some more TV, for another fifteen minutes or so. Jace should be done with his shower soon, and then we could do something.  

            There was a loud bang on the front door. Since Jace was in the shower, and no one else was around, I went to open it. I let out a horrifying scream at what I saw. A body stumbled into the house, covered in blood from head to toe. I wasn’t sure the source of the bleeding but whoever this was, they were in bad shape.  They fell to the ground and I knelt down, yelling for Jace or someone to help.

            I began to sob uncontrollably and screaming as loud as I could when I realized who it was dying right before my eyes. It was Zack. Blood poured out of him from his arms, legs, chest, everywhere. Jace rushed downstairs, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. When he saw me covered in Zack’s blood, he scanned me to make sure I wasn’t hurt. Then he looked down at his best friend who was like a brother, and turned pale.

            He shouted for the pack doctor, but I knew it was too late. Just an hour ago, Zack and I were joking around and watching scary movies. We were going to prank Jace and laugh at him when he got mad at us. Where was that at? Where were those happy memories right now? I cried as I watched Zack take his last breath and his eyes roll to the back of his head. My heart shattered when Jace ripped me off of Zack, and started to give Zack CPR, even though Zack was long gone.

            “Jace, stop, he’s gone.” I sobbed, not being able to watch this anymore.

            “No, he can’t be dead. He can’t be.” Jace whispered, and for the first time I actually saw him sob uncontrollably over his best friend’s corpse.

            There was a piece of paper, which was sticking out of his shirt. I grabbed it, which was stained on the edges by blood. I scanned over the words and everything around me seemed to be frozen. My hands were trembling and my tears blurred my vision, but I still could read all the words perfectly.

            “I’ve been watching you closely, Jace. I’m sorry about your Beta here, he’s just a warning and to let you know that I don’t play games. A lot has happened for you in the past month. I’ll be seeing you soon and your lovely mate. Jason.” 


OMG IT'S THE END!!!!! To the right is a picture of her wedding ring!! I told you that this chapter would be shocking. I'm sorry for all of you who loved Zack. I loved him too. R.I.P. Zack!!!!

I'm so sad that it's finally over with!!! I'm not sure when i'll post the sequel, maybe in a few days. If you want me to messgae you when it's up, just comment below and i'll message you when the first chapter is up!!!! This dedication goes to @Having_That_Chance. Thanks for commenting.

So what did you think of this book? I would love to hear what you all thought about it all. And sorry for the huge cliffhanger at the end!!!

Here's the Big the question:

Who do you think Jason is? And why he is after Jace and Izzy?

Also, what do you think will happen in the sequel, any ideas? Please leave comments!!! I love to hear what you all think. Unless the sequel, thank you everyone for being amazing fans!!!! :)

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