Chapter VIII

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~ Hours Later ~
Craig POV

After me and Stan little talk at the church, we both quickly check on Kyle and gives him some sweets and some food too. I pray for his safety and health...

"We are here"
My thoughts disappeared as Stan said that. He looked at me, "Are you alright?" He asked, worried. "Yes, I'm fine. Now, let's get out and go inside your house" I suggested, and he nodded as we both get out of the car.

The icy wind blows heavily today, as I close the car doors and starts walking to the front door of The Marsh Residence.

I walk aside to let Stan open the door. After he entered, I followed and closed the door after. And immediately, I feel something...

'something evil lurks in this place...'

"He was there, where you're standing right now" Stan said, as I look down.

"I feel his presence... he has made your home, his home..." I said, as I kept moving around, trying to feel the devil presence. "He's been here for about 2 days ago... and his presence is strong, and he's hiding from me" I said, as I put down my bible on a nearby table, and as soon as I put my bible on the table, a sound was made below us.

"He's hiding in the basement..." I said as Stan went silent. "H-He is in the basement?" Stan said again and I nod. "T-then what m-must I do?" He asked as he feels scared.

"I can stay here for the night, and do an exorcism. Maybe tomorrow, that demon will leave your home" I said, "O-okay, let me take you home so you can get your stuff ready" Stan said, "Sounds good" I add.

~ Later ~
Tweek POV

I was woken up by the sound of Craig's door open, and hearing Craig and another person chatting.

"Craig, are you sure you can help me?" The voice asked,
"I will help you and I will bring that demon back to hell, Stan. I pray for our safety" Craig said as I heard them pray for a little and then continue packing.

"Tweek?" Craig voice called me, and immediately, I feel butterfly on my stomach. I can feel his hand land on my shoulder, which makes me shuffles and tried to hide my face, because I feel warm.

"Tweek, wake up" He kept saying, as I finally open my eyes and look at him. "You awake, good. Ummm, you should get home. Tweek. I'll be gone for tonight" He said, and I straighten my body, "W-what? W-Where are you going?" I asked, not wanting Craig to leave. "Stan Marsh, a friend of mine is having a quite hard time. His house has an evil spirit that lives in his house and I must cleanse it. I suggest you should go home, Tweek. I don't want your parents to go worried that you haven't been home for hours" He said, softly and it makes me tired.

I frowned, "O-okay, Craig. T-thanks for letting me stay at your house for awhile. I-I'll come by again later" I said, with a smile and getting up from bed and grabbing my stuff and head downstairs, to see Token and Clyde still playing games. "Tweek! Wanna play?" Clyde offered, "S-sorry guys, i have to go before parents worried. B-bye!" I said my goodbye, "Okay, byee!" Clyde said as I finally outside and started walking to my temporary home.

~ Hours Later ~
Marsh's Residence,
23:58 PM...

3rd Person POV

Craig Tucker is currently sitting down on the couch, of the Marsh residence. Reading some parts from the bible which he held tightly on his hands. Randy and Sharon Marsh are currently at their room, sleeping. While Stan Marsh and Shelly Marsh are sleeping together at Stan's room. They argued a couple of time, but they finally agree, it's for the time being and their safety.

After reading a few more lines, my phone ringed, to notify me that the time is finally here...


And as soon as my phone ringed, I can hear slight noises around the place.

'I know you are here, demon. Come and reveal yourself' Craig thought to himself. He feels tired and his body feel weak.

"C-Craig?" A voice called Craig, and immediately open his eyes and look ahead of him, to see Stan standing in front of him.
"Stan?" Craig called, "Whats wrong?" Craig asked and Stan hesitated. "T-The b-basement... T-the door, i-it's unlocked" Stan said. This took Craig quite awhile to register, and when he did, he got up quick and hold the handle of the basement door and open it, slowly.

Craig unbelievably speechless.

"T-there are sounds coming from here earlier. I-I woke up and wanting to go to the bathroom, and after I got out I heard noises. At first I thought it was you, but then I did a double take... turns out it wasn't you" Stan explained.
"Is your sister and parents alright alright?" Craig asked, concerned. "Y-yeah, I-I wake them up before I wake you up" Stan said, as he quickly went to the light switch and turn the lights on.

"Listen, Stan. You stay here and let your parents and sister be together upstairs. I don't want to risk you going down here with me. For now, stay here and don't follow me to the basement, got it?" Craig warned, "O-okay, I got it" Stan said.

Craig silently went down into the darkness of the basement. He says some prayer before he went down. The radiant light that is coming from the living room helped him see just for a tad bit.

"A-anything there?" Stan called from the doorway, and as I finally reached the bottom, he sees nothing. "Nothing seem out of the ordinary" Craig said as he look upwards to Stan.

And out of nowhere, Stan was pushed down to the basement by an unseen force and Craig tried his best to save an old friend. When he catch Stan, he looked up and sees a figure.

A ghostly figure of a boy, with bloodshot eyes and sharp smiling teeth.

And the door closed shut. Craig look around and finally found a light switch. He flick the switch and the lightbulb turned on. Craig carried his friend and put him on a nearby armchair.

"In the name of god, reveal yourself, demon!" Craig called the monster to come and it seemed did the trick. Craig can feel negative energy radiating from behind him. He quickly look back and stare up to the demon that inhabit this home.

That black hair, and the same black clothes. That red eyes and the neverending evil smile that always brings doom to us all...

"We meet again, Craig Tucker"

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