~Jealousy ~ Kise Ryota X Male Reader

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(M/n)' POV

I crossed my arms, huffing as I leaned against the chair watching my dear boyfriend at the entrance of the restaurant. I can't believe he actually went out to those slutty fangirls in the MIDDLE OF OUR DATE! THE MIDDE OF OUR DATE! Does he not even love me anymore...maybe he doesn't... If not why would he abandon me in the middle of our date just to spend some time with those fangirls!

Five minutes passed.... Ten minutes passed... Half and hour passed... Alright I'm out of here.

While Ryota was still out signing autographs and taking photos with his fangirls, I left a some money on the table to pay for our meals before stomping out pass Ryota.

"(Y/n)! Hey where are you going? We're not done yet with our date! (M/n)! " My hand clenched to a fist as I gritted my teeth.

"Well our date was long over. You've ended it long ago, Kise Ryota. " I muttered his name with pure venom before calling a cab, getting in before he could even reach to me. The last thing I knew he was calling for me before the cab drove ahead.

The moment I reached home, I opened the door with massive force before slamming it shut then made my way toy room. Once I reach my room, I immediately let myself dropped on the bed, burying my face in the pillow. I choked back a sob, but I couldnt hold it back after a whole and let my tears stain the pillow.

"Baka Ryota....how dare you abandon me for some girls. Can't you do that when your at work or something you jerk."

I nearly ripped the poor pillow by gripping it too hard. I'm most likely going to ignore him...if he even bothers loving me back... Or maybe he didn't.. Or it's those girls fault. If then next time I see them I'm really going to rip them apart.

So now... How am I going to face Ryota in school? I guess I'll just go with the flow?

-Timeskip -

Should I call this an accomplishment? Because I managed to avoid Ryota the whole school hours. Probably should call it since we have basketball practice and there barely any excuse for to me avoid Ryota.

I sighed while changing into my basketball uniform then joining the others. The moment I saw Ryota, I avoided his gaze before he could look into my eyes and made my way to the bench. His footsteps were getting louder, which pretty much means that he was getting closer and I had nowhere to hide to.

" (M/n),hey what's wro-"  Well my Senpai hero managed to stop him... Sort of stop him.

Kasamatsu slammed his foot to the back of Ryota's head, slamming him to the floor. "Baka! What did you do to (M/n) !" He his voice from. That yell echoed the whole gym that most the team members... Including the coach... And me.. Swestdropped. Y
I guess it was half a good thing to talk about to Kasamatsu-senpai? But I hope he won't kill Ryota... I still love him..

"W-What do you mean done to him?  I never did anything to him! I promise! " Ryota started screaming and waving his arms around..only to get another hard kick my Kasamatsu-senpai.

"Baka! If that's the case why do you think he's avoiding you!  Why on earth would you abandon your free sweet boyfriend for some stupid fangirls!? " I know I should be thankful to Kasamatsu-senpai... But he didn't needed to add the 'dear' and 'sweet'.

"Wait what fangir-ohh.... "Ryota stopped with his mouth hung open, and he's seriously going to get a concussion from all those kicks and punches Kasamatsu-senpai gave him.

It took a whole team to stop Kasamatsu-senpai from punching Ryota any further. Ryota's leaned against the wall before looking at me, but rather than apologizing first , a smirk came up his lips.

"I knew you were jealous weren't you (M/n)? Don't worry I would never abandon you for them, I was only asking for some cute advises to... Well it's a secret. " Ryota winked walked towards me, and before I could react, he pulled me into a tight hug.

I was frozen for a minute,until I remembered him and those fangirls. I struggled aunt his hug, trying to push him away. "Still you left in the middle of a date Ryota! What were you thinking! Even so you could have just waited.. No, don't even think of spending more time with them! "I continued to snuggle and smack him but it didn't budge,only made Ryota hold me close and tighter than before.

It didn't take long before I got tired and reluctantly stopped... I sighed softly,giving up and wrapped my arms around him.

"Ryota.... "I mumbled softly, biting my lip before asking him. "You love me right? Only me? "

I heard a soft chuckle and I was having the urge to punch him so hard in his stomach. I felt his warm lips pressing against my forehead and his fingers running over my lips. "(M/n...of course I do you jealous cutie. "His smirk made my cheeks go red and puffed in frustration. Although it didn't stop me from resting my head against his chest. "Don't make me jealous... Kise Ryota.. "

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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