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The group ran up the ramp and inside the ship, "Gunner position's down there!" The woman told Finn who climbed down to the spot,

"You ever fly this thing?"

"No! This ship hasn't been flown in years!" The woman answered as she and Nova sat in the pilot and co-pilot seats in the cockpit, "I can do this. I can do this." She muttered as she flipped switches and pressed buttons,

"We're gonna die." Nova stated, looking around in panic. The only ship she's flown was the one to get to Jakku, and it was a lot newer than the one she was currently sitting in.

The ship rose widely and Nova put on her seatbelt and gripped onto the arm rests. It spun and tilted, slamming into the town's archway which caused it to crumble.

"Stay low! Stay low!" Finn ordered,

"What?" The woman questioned, thinking Finn was crazy,

"Stay low! It confuses their tracking!"

"Hold on." She told Nova and the droid, "I'm going low."

"I'm gonna puke. Then I'm going to die." Nova stated.

The ship dramatically banked at an upward arc before swooping upside down and low across the sand. The TIE Fighters followed and shot at the old ship, "What are you doing back there? Are you ever gonna fire back?" The woman yelled,

"I'm working on it! Are the shields up?" He asked,

"Flick that switch right there." She pointed at a blue lever and Nova flicked it, raising the shields.

"We need some cover! We're sitting ducks out here." Finn told them,

"We're about to get some!" The pilot responded, "I hope."

The ship banked so hard that the edge ripped a line in the sand as it turned. When the ship leveled, Nova noticed they were in a ship graveyard, "Nice shot!" Nova called out when Finn hit one of the TIE Fighters.

"I'm getting pretty good at this!" Finn shot back with excitement.

"I hope so, because we have one more buddy left." Nova responded and suddenly, Finn wasn't shooting anymore, "Finn!"

"The cannon's stuck in forward position, I can't move it! You gotta lose 'em!" Finn said,

Nova watched as the woman beside her scanned the area, searching for ideas. She saw the lightbulb go off in her head, "Get ready!"

"Okay. For what?"

The woman hit a switch above them and piloted the ship into the rear of the wreck of a star destroyer.

"I'm gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy." Nova mumbled as the brunette pilot maneuvered them in and out pieces inside the ship.

There was a sharp turn and they were out of the star destroyer. The pilot shut off the ship, causing it to fall upside down, and Finn was able to destroy the TIE fighter before she pulled the lever to turn the ship on once again and prevent them from crashing.

They all made noises of excitement before they were flown into space and the ship was put on autopilot. The three of them met up in the corridor and they complimented each other at the same time,

The droid began making urgent noises and the woman turned to it, "You're ok. He's with the Resistance. He's going to get you home. We all will." Both the droid and Nova gave Finn a look before she turned to them, "I don't know your names."

"I'm Nova, and that's Finn." Nova introduced,

"What's yours?" Finn asked,

"I'm Rey."

Finn took a step towards Rey, "Rey-" He was interrupted by steam bursting from under the grating,

"Help me with this! Quick!" Rey exclaimed and the three of them hurried over to the grating, pulling it up.

"What's going on?" Finn asked,

Rey jumped down in the grating and Nova went to find tools, "It's the motivator." Rey informed them and Nova handed her the wrench she wanted,

"How bad is it?" Finn questioned,

"If we wanna live, not good!" Rey responded,

"They're hunting for us now, we gotta get outta this system!" Finn stated,

"Way to state the obvious, Finn." Nova rolled her eyes from the doorway,

Rey popped her head out from under the grating, "BB-8 said the location of the Resistance Base is 'need to know'. If I'm taking you there, I need to know!" She said before diving back under to fix the motivator.

Finn walked over to Nova and leaned in, "Okay, just between me and you, I'm actually not part of the Resistance." He closed his eyes, expecting a punch or something like that from Nova but got nothing.

He opened his eyes and found her with a raised eyebrow, "Neither am I."

Finn looked at her in shock, "I thought you were apart of the Resistance. That's why you were looking for BB-8."

"I'm looking for BB-8 because he has something I need." Nova replied,

Finn hesistated for a moment, "The map."

"Smart boy." Nova smiled, "My master needs that map. His life depends on it."

"Wait, your master?"

"He trains me. And he sent me to Jakku to get the map."

Rey's head popped out again, "Pilex driver." Finn grabbed it and handed it to the brunette, "So where's your base?"

"BB-8." Nova turned the attention on the droid, "Why don't you tell her?"

"What are you doing?" Finn hissed quietly,

"Watch and learn, blaster boy." Nova smirked, "Go on, B. I trust her."

BB-8 looked between the three for a moment before responding, "The Ileenium system?" Rey questioned,

"Yeah, and if you could get us there as fast as you can, that'd be great." Nova stated,

"Good job." Finn patted her shoulder and she sent him a smile,

"I'll drop you three at Ponemah Terminal." Rey commented, "I need the bonding tape, hurry!"

"What about you?" Finn asked as Nova went over and grabbed the tape and giving it to the brunette,

"I gotta get back to Jakku." She answered,

Finn stared at the hole in exasperation, "Back to Jak-? Why does everyone always want to go back to Jakku?"

Nova stared down at the woman, "Hey, Rey, you're a pilot. You can fly... anywhere! Why go back? You got a family? You got a boyfriend? Cute boyfriend?" She smirked, raising her eyebrow,

"None of your business, that's why." Rey responded before the lights turned off.

"That can't be good."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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