Chapter 18: The Hawthornes

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"Can you believe it?! He has some nerve coming back here!" I growl as I pace Peeta and I's bedroom, since when did Gale have a kid? Well I wouldn't have known anyways but why now come back to twelve? I thought he was living the perfect life in district two

"Katniss, I'm sure that there's a reasonable explanation. I'm sure he didn't come back to ruin anything you have here" Peeta replies from our bed

"You don't know that. I've lost every ounce of trust for him, there's nothing there" I sigh getting into bed

"Well, maybe he's come back to make his bones with you. I mean I guess I was jealous of him at one point but I never hated him. You and I both know that it wasn't his fault that Prim died, Coin was the person behind that because she knew that you'd blame it all mainly on Gale if it were the bombs he had made. I know she's your sister but this is your best friend who you have so much in common with" Peeta replies

"I know but I just... I felt betrayed, I still do" I frown

"Well, maybe we could organise for him to come over for dinner with his son and his partner. This way Rye can bond more with his new friend and you can talk with Gale? You can ignore this unresolved problem, just think of how happy Rye is knowing he's got a friend other than Flynn" Peeta suggests, I look at him and see that he's looking at me seriously

"Fine... but I'm only agreeing to this for you and Rye" I grumble as Peeta switches off the light in our room

"I just... I don't want what I felt to happen to Rye. He's my little boy and I need to protect him from things like that" I sigh as Peeta holds me from behind

"I know but Gale may be here to try and see if you'll forgive him in any way" he replies as his hand slides to my belly with a not yet showing a bump but our unborn child still lays, safe and sound

"You always see the good in everyone... no matter who they are or what they've done. That's what I love about you" I smile even if he can't see it

"I done that because of you. I saw you as this role model for ever young girl especially after the death of your father, you were so wrong and made me realise that not everyone can live that happy life their entire time of living. So, I vowed that I wouldn't judge anyone you taught me that" he admits

"I never knew that... you really did think that of me?" I ask intertwining our fingers together

"I did and I still do" he answers, tonight my dreams are warm and peaceful instead of chaos and horror, I dream of holding a newborn baby as Peeta plays in the meadow with our son... it was a dream that is becoming a reality and I couldn't be happier.


Peeta cooks dinner while I help Rye get dressed upstairs. Tonight will be the first time I've seen Gale since the end of the war which was about five years ago, am I nervous? No but am I dreading it? Yes I am. I don't know who could be the mother of Gales son seeing as Gale and Delly had went their seperate ways but maybe they're back together? I'm not sure although it still leaves me with curiousness.

Rye and I set up the table before we hear a knock on our front door. I look to Peeta from the kitchen who gives a reassuring smile, so I walk to the front door with Rye by my side which gives me the strength to open the door


"Rye!" The two boys run off into the home as I stand looking completely shocked at what I'm seeing, Gale stands there with a short beard with a very pregnant looking Johanna... this is all so shocking

"Uh, come in..." I say letting them in and shutting the door, Peeta walks in looking just as shocked as I am

"Well? Don't look at us like we have two heads" Johanna says

"I'm sorry... I just wasn't expecting... how'd this happen?" Peeta asks placing a pot with the stew he made in the middle of the table

"Well, about a month after the war I was trying to get over Delly. My soldiers and I had to go to district seven for some new weapons for our squad. I bumped into Jo and we got talking, it lead to me refusing to let her walk home on her own and then she invited me inside. We were both lonely and grieving, we just got carried away... that was when Axel was conceived. We thought it was going to be only a one time thing" Gale explains as we all sit at the table

"When Jo found out she called me saying about how I shouldn't come back to her. I did though, I stayed. When Axel was born it was unreal, I couldn't believe that I was a dad and only a few months younger than Rye. Jo and I married when Axel was just two, now we're expecting another we'll doctors are certain that it's two" he adds, I look to his left hand where a ring was, I look at Axel trying to eat fast so him and Rye can play only earning a look from his mother

"Wow... that's quite a story. What brought you guys here?" Peeta asks

"We wanted a change. District two wasn't a suitable place to raise our child and seven felt like it was just this place where we had a house, not a home. We only got here the day before Axel started school" Johanna answers

"So, what about you two? Anything new?" Gale asks, I look to Peeta who nods at me, I let out a small sigh

"Yes, we're expecting too" I reply

"That's great, Katniss!" Gale smiles, it felt a little weird when he doesn't use Katnip to address me anymore

"Thanks. We're very happy about it" I reply trying to be friendly as I can be. Throughout dinner we talk to each other and once the boys play with each other, Gale and I sit outside the front on the porch of my home as we watch our sons play happily

"Katniss... I know it won't be the same anymore but I don't want you hating me forever. I love you, your like my little sister only from other parents. I'm asking you now... do think we could start over? What do you say, Katnip?" Gale asks, I give a small smile at hearing my old nickname

"We won't ever be like we use to but we can start fresh. For the sake of our sons, I feel like they'll have a close friendship. I'm not angry anymore Gale, disappointed but not angry... I don't want to let those things get in the way of Ryes happiness" I sigh

"Thank you, Katnip. You're such a great friend. You and Peeta have done amazing at raising Rye" Gale admits and I chuckle

"Yeah well when Rye was two he'd sleep in the same bed and this kept going until he turned four. We had a year to try and coax him into sleeping in his own room, eventually it worked but if I'm being honest I liked the feeling of having him close to me" I reply with a smile, our sons run up the porch and Rye sits on my lap as Axel does the same with his father

"Well, Axel its time to go. We don't want to keep your mother up passed the time she likes going to bed, besides you have school tomorrow" Gale says to his son who frowns

"But Rye and I were still wanting to play. Please, daddy" Axel pouts causing Gale chuckles

"Come on son, that may work on your mother but not me" Gale says as they stand as do Rye and I

"It's okay, Axel. You'll see Rye again" I smile, I look at Gale who smiles at me, concluding our silent agreement, we won't let what happen get in between us anymore and most importantly in between our sons, maybe Gale and I will be okay.

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