Chapter 12

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We walked into the main entrance of the mall. There was a large fountain surrounded by colorful tiles. I saw a familiar looking girl standing outside of the candy shop. It was Zoe. I called her name causing her to look over at me. I waved her over.
"Hey Ivy!" she said in a perky voice.
"hey Zoe. Oh this is Danielle and Eleanor." I introduced her to each of them. They waved in a friendly way.
"Dani and Eleanor, this is Zoe, Zayn's...lady friend" we all laughed at the term I used for Zoe. I wasn't sure of their status yet so that was what I called her.
"So who we waiting on?" Eleanor asked me.
"Paige. She should be here any minute." I took out my phone and checked my messages. No new ones from Paige. I dialed her number. She picked up.
"hello?" she said
"hey, where are you? We are all here." I said
"I'm pulling into the mall parking lot now. I'm coming where are you guys?" she said
"we are by the main entrance, standing by the fountain." I explained
"Okay I'll be there in a sec." she said before hanging up.
"where is she?" Zoe asked.
"she's coming. She said she was just pulling into the parking lot." I said. She nodded.
"so, what are we doing today exactly?" Zoe asked again. That girl was full of questions.
"well, we can shop here for a few hours then go to a salon I found just out of town that is great and get our nails and hair done." Danielle explained.
"okay sounds like fun." Zoe said. I had enough money to do all of this. I have always been a saver, rather than a spender. It definitely came in handy considering I didn't have a job.
"hey guys sorry I'm late but I'm here." Paige said running up to us.
"it's okay. So where to first?" Eleanor said.
"well we could go to Hollister?" Zoe suggested.

-3 hours later-

"That was so much fun guys!" Paige said as we exited the mall. All of our hands were full of bags. We walked out to our cars
"Zoe where's your car?" I asked.
"I had my mom drop me off because she needed my car for today." she explained.
"that's okay you can ride with me." Paige said.
"okay thanks!" Zoe said. We all got into our separate cars. Me, Dani and Eleanor's car was in the front and Paige and Zoe followed us. We drove out to the outskirts of town and pulled into a cottage-like salon. On the sign it read
-manicures, pedicures, hair salon, facials, massages...and more. - This salon offered a lot by the looks of it. I checked my phone. I had a new message from Niall that was sent about 5 minutes ago. I hadn't heard my phone buzz because the girls and I were blasting music on the way there and singing along. The message read

*Hey, just checking up on you. Are you having fun? We will be done about 5 o'clock or so, we could all meet up around then if you guys are done. Love you. -Niall* I thought about the message for a moment. It was about 3 o'clock now which meant we would spend about 2 hours here. I wondered if that would be enough time. I replied.

*Okay, we are just getting to the salon now so we might be a little late sorry. We are having loads of fun though! I'll call you when we are done okay? love you too. -Ivy* I turned my phone off so it wouldn't ring while we were in there.

"So guys what are we doing first?" Eleanor asked turning around so she could see me in the backseat and Danielle at the same time. I shrugged.

"it doesn't matter to me. How about our hair then a pedicure?" I suggested. They nodded.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go get Paige and Zoe and go inside." Danielle said. We all got out and walked over to their car.

"Okay lets go!" Paige said leading us all inside. The building was cold and smelled like nail polish remover and shampoo.

Danielle walked over to the lady at the front desk. "Hello, I have a reservation for 5. I called earlier, we were going to get our hair and nails done." She explained.

"Okay love, and what's the name?" The lady asked in a friendly voice. She had bright red nails that made lots of noise as she typed on her computer.

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