Can Teenage Dreams Become Reality?

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This first part is only very short, it's more of an introduction. Almost all the characters will be introduced in the next chapter I hope. Feedback is much appreciated. Oh and I'm new to Wattpad so I might be a bit slow updating and what not. Hope you like this story:D

Love Emilyyy1D

PS. This is based on something that is going on in my life right now. The whole falling in love with someone in a band and something happening to them which changes everything is something that has recently happened. I have exagerrated some things to make it more interesting but just bare in mind this is based on something thats happening and my feelings. I am only 14 btw.

Hello, my names Lois and you could say I’m living what was once a teenage dream. I have it all. I live with the love of my life Nathan and we have 2 children, they’re twins and are 1 year old. We have a girl and a boy, Maelie and Harvey.

My life hasn’t always been easy though, I fell in love with Nathan when we were both just 14 years old. And I never loved anybody else from the day I first laid eyes on him. Being only 14 and living 2 hours apart from each other, and of course me being faced with the fact Nathan would never love me back, things weren’t as simple as some people make them out to be. Nathan was in a band I supported but one announcement changed my life forever, my world came crashing down and having only met Nathan once before, I was faced with the fact I may never see him again. So here goes, this is how I ended up winning the life I could only ever dream of when I was just 14 years of age.


“Please welcome, our two new members- Nathan and Aydn!” the words uttered from Ryan and Austin’s mouths. The twins I had supported in music for 2 years. I couldn’t bare the thought of them being hurt again, but something was different. A spark within me told me one of the new members was different, I didn’t know, but it could’ve been love at first sight. “Heyy guys I’m Nathan” his voice sent tingles down my spine. I thought I’d experienced love, but this was completely and utterly beyond anything.

As the evening progressed and twitcam came to an end, all that was on my mind was Nathan. ‘I’m 14 yet I believe he’s the most perfect person I’ll ever see or know’ I thought to myself. 14 years old and feeling like I’ve found the perfect boy, some would say its pathetic right? But this is beyond what anyone my age experiences. Nathan Thompson had stolen my heart, and if I didn’t believe in love at first sight before, I certainly did now.

I pulled out my ipod and clicked on the twitter app. “@Nathan_Thompson Heyy Nathan! I would just like to say a big welcome to this family, I’ll hopefully be seeing you at the gig! Can’t wait!<3” I typed into the “new tweet” section. I didn’t expect a reply, but sure enough, his name popped up onto the screen in my mentions “@Loisss_xox aw thankyouu!! And thankyou for being so kind to me and my brother it means soo much!! Yes hopefully see you at the gig<3” I sat and read the reply through and through in my head. It hadn’t even been one day and this boy was already making my heart race 100mph. The day I could first see him was only 4 weeks away and I felt like I needed to plan every little detail out so it was perfect, I wanted to give a good impression. I couldn’t believe that after 3 hours, I’d fallen for a boy and was already starting to plan out every tiny little detail for the first time I met him in 4 WEEKS!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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