the nightmare begins

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  When you fall asleep you might start dreaming  and cant control what happens. Well for me when I was dreaming my friend froze in a vary familiar house but it wasn't mine it was  from a very different dream. The middle room froze people which we didn't  know till it was to late .We all had our own room my friend Irelyn got the middle .my friend Cara got the first and i got the last.We were trying to sleep when we heard a scream.It was Irelyn . It suddenly stopped we went in her room . There was nobody but Irelyn but she was frozen . Cara said ''Sierra what happened ''. she was trembling .''I don't know''I was trembling now to .

   We  took her into my room Cara pushing me pulling .As soon as Irelyn and I got in my room Cara froze and Irelyn unfroze. We didn't know what to do. So me and Irelyn both pulled so neither of us froze.It seemed the room only froze one person at a time.We got Cara out and she unfroze.We left the house immediately and called the owner.He said ''I know about that and thought I told you''

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