Her Final words

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She message you, telling you I love you
You didn't believe it was enough,
She had constantly told you how depressed she got,
How her depression got worse,
And as she message you, she felt like you cared less and less, it felt like her cheast had sunk in when she read your message's, hate and despair is what she felt. It was a terrible pain and all she felt was that could stop it was if she ended her life. She had messaged a cry for help before, hopeing You'd help. You never did, you never cared. She hurt, she screamed, and she cried no one helped not her mom not her dad and not her family. She turned around and there it was a knife and a piece of paper with a pen next to it. Tears rolled down her face, soaked her cheeks as she wrote a note to her love and her family. She stood up from her chair walked to her closet and pulled out this knee high dress and beautiful dark blue and had put it on. She sits on her bed with the knife in her hand, and says softly and quitely that way no one would hear her, "I love you mom, I love you dad."
She cuts her wrist and had a little bit of relief as she felt the blood run down her arm, switches hands and it hurt her even more to cut her other wrist, she starts to cry even more. She hears the bathroom door close, and someone knocks on her bedroom door, she had locked it, forgetting her mother had a key. Her mom opens the door, looks and screams, she stairs at her only daughter, who had now turned into a lifeless body, she screams for help no one hears. As she stairs at her daughters body she asks why this had to happen to my baby girl all she wanted was friends and no pain. I never thought she'd do this. A few days later, her mother watches her only daughter get put in the ground before her. On the daughters note it said to read at her funeral, as the mother did so her family cried and realized these were her finally words.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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