"This is like a new level of creeping," Gwen's past words bounced around his head, and he quickly shut them out of his mind.

"You didn't tell him anything, did you?"

"Unlike you, I know how to keep a secret, Webs," MJ reached up to push a curl away from his forehead, "God knows how you've maintained a secret identity for as long as you have."

"Hey, I think I've done an okay job!"

"Sure, Parker," she smirked, "I can't imagine anything fun happened with you guys today besides your little escapade."

I mean, we did sort of stalk you when you were with Harry and then a girl from school caught us and Jack may have a crush on her but other than that, today was pretty boring, was what Peter wanted to blurt out, but he stopped himself, settling with instead, "nope, not at all."

Then, Jack started chuckling to himself, a sleepy grin on his face as he opened his eyes just a bit to look at them. "Yeah, nothing happened at all."

"You and your super hearing need to chill," Peter scolded him. He could never tell when Jack could hear them, especially with headphones in. "Go back to your Josh Groban."

"It's actually Moana," Jack corrected him, holding up his phone to show them, "I find it soothing."

"I like how you just admit that," MJ said, impressed, "not many guys like you would be so open about liking Disney."

"I'm not afraid of admiring a masterpiece," Jack replied simply.

"He sang We Know The Way in Times Square one time, word for word. Even the Polynesian part," Peter said, and MJ broke out in a disbelieving laugh. Jack shrugged, not denying it at all. Peter remembered that day. It had been fun to watch the people's surprised reactions. His number of Tumblr followers doubled after that.

"God, you're such a dork!" MJ laughed, "and to think my editor hates you!"

The remark earned a confused look from Peter and Jack.

"Hates me?" Jack asked, looking slightly hurt. MJ quieted, realizing that Jack seemed genuinely befuddled by her comment.

"I mean, he has a thing against both of you really," she explained, "thinks you're both "menaces" in your own way."

"But why?" It was Peter's turn to question. How could anyone be against what they did? All they've ever done is help people!

"Don't know really. Bad-tempered, that guy is, but he pays okay," she replied, and she noticed the boys' concerned expressions. She scoffed at them, "please, don't get your feelings hurt over one dude. Everyone knows you're good guys, so go with that."

That made Peter feel slightly better. If some editor didn't like them, that wasn't their problem. They had the approval of the people of New York, and with their support, they didn't need anyone else's.

Jack snuggled down deeper into his blankets, obviously bothered. But he didn't let it show too much, and he sighed, "I can't wait for summer."

He got a huff of affirmation from both MJ and Peter, and he added, "can't wait to hang out upstate and chill by the pool."

"And with not a lot of people being there, Mr.Stark would totally let you hang out with us," Peter said to MJ, "Ned too. It'll be so awesome."

"That would be pretty neat," she agreed with a nod, "my mom has been saying I spend too much time indoors during the summer. Now at least I have people to do stuff with."

"Yes, and you'll be doing stuff with Avengers," Jack pointed out with a proud smile.

"Neither of you are Avengers."

"You'll be doing stuff with superheroes," Jack corrected himself.

She narrowed her eyes at him.


MJ nodded at that, and Peter laughed before leaning up to give her cheek a kiss. Jack groaned at the display of affection and threw a blanket over his face so as to not see them. MJ laughed at him until she caught Peter's cheek with the palm of her hand, and connected their lips in a real kiss.

"Yeah, I guess you're above average," MJ concedes, brushing her thumb along Peter's jawline.

"I'm above average at something," he replied with a wink.

"Now I know how Ned feels," Jack whined from beneath his blanket that was serving as his mask, "keep it PG, kids."

And here's good old number 23. Sorry if it took a little longer than usual, but you know how I be. The storyline I have going on in my head doesn't provide for every chapter, so you get little improvised efforts like this one! Anyway, have a good y'all. Leave a vote or comment if you like, whatever you wanna do. :)


By Sunlight (P.P + M.J)Where stories live. Discover now