Chapter Eight

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But I Don't Want To Say Goodbye

Heather's POV

I didn't see what happened. Megan told me to stay at the top of the cliff and close my eyes. So I did. But even though I didn't see what happened. I heard everything. I heard Megan shouting, James muttering something and the monster making a horrible scream.

But then I heard Megan crying and I couldn't bare to keep my eyes closed anymore.

"Megan?" I said as I rushed towards the cliff to see what was happening.

But before I could Megan came back up, her eyes were red with tears and her left arm was missing.

I almost expected blood to be dripping out, or bones. But instead it was just straw. Which I guess made sense with her being a scare crow and all.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"No. No I'm not okay. But come on." Megan said as she grabbed my arm and started walking away from the cliff. The monster didn't seem to follow.

"Wait... Where's James?"

"James is..." Megan took a deep breath before she said another word. "Gone." She finally finished, as a few tears fell down her face.

"Gone? Like..." A cold chill went over me as I realized what she meant. "Is James... Dead?"

Megan didn't utter a word. She simply nodded her head and looked at the ground.

I didn't want to believe he was dead. I wanted Megan to be lying. I want Megan to be wrong. I almost wished all the sudden she'd turn around and say: "Just kidding!" It would be a horrible joke. But a joke would be so much better than facing reality.

I liked James. He was nice. He was funny. I didn't want him to be... gone.

My eyes started filling up with tears. I collsaped onto the ground and started sobbing. I didn't care if that monster got me now. All I wanted was for James to be okay.

But the didn't seem like it was going to happen.

Silently Megan picked me up as she continued further and further away from the cliff... And eventually I cried myself to sleep.

While I was sleeping I dreamed I was in a long hallway. Red lights were blaring and a horrible noise filled the air as I walked along. But my moments were so slow, as if I was stuck in slow motion. I tried so hard to run but my body wouldn't go any faster. I was stuck.

Suddenly a pair of doors busted opened and two men rushed out of it.

"Nathan, come on! We have to find Alexa and the others fast!" One said as they frantically ran past me. I tried to keep up with them but I was still too slow. I even tried to speak but my mouth wouldn't work either.

"I know, I know, just shut up!" The other shouted as they ran though another set of doors.

Fear shot down my spine like a bullet as a horrible roar filled the air. I wanted so badly to move faster, to do anything. But I couldn't.

Something else made a horrible shrieking noise and a loud crash came from behind. I tried to turn my head around to see what had made the sound, but I couldn't.

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