The Human Ladder (Travlyn)

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                                                 Travis' POV

I frowned, staring at the pair of plates on the table, each containing a taco. I had made them, but I doubted we'd get to eating them. I was concerned. She usually wasn't this late. I mean, she had to hide from her crazy roommates, but still, she always managed to be only half an hour late. Now she was a full hour. The tacos were getting cold, and I wondered what was going on. Finally, I heard a knock on the door. I answered it, and there she was. My beautiful Blueberry. Her pale blue hair, her bright blue eyes, they both sparkled. There was a twig stuck in her hair. "Man, what happened this time? And do you mind explaining the branch?" I asked, plucking the stick out of her hair and tossing it out the door. She came inside, and after I shut the door, she explained. "Kawaii~Chan kept asking me where I was going, and Aph just kept asking why I was dressed up looking nice. It took ages to give them the slip. You know?" "Yeah, I know." I replied. "Then I had to hide in a bush for twenty minutes until Aph's dog went inside." she said. "Whoa, sounds like you had a rough time." I said. We kissed for a short while, then decided on watching a movie. We ended up eating the tacos, and really enjoying our time together. We lost track of time, and my roommates came home to find her asleep, drooling on my shoulder. I told them to keep quiet, and they ended up going to bed. I decided I wouldn't leave her, and I fell asleep. Dante tells me I slept with her head as a pillow, and I snuggled up to her like she was a teddy bear. We woke up early the next morning, because one of Garroth's exploding feathers made a small hole in our backyard. "Oh man! If KC or Aph find out I slept over, they're never going to let me out of their sight! You have to help me out." she said. Even in panic, she was still beautiful. "Okay, but only if you buy me tacos." I said, I would do almost anything for a taco. She rolled her eyes and nodded at me. "When do they usually wake up?" I asked. "What time is it?" she asked. "It's 8:00." I said, gesturing to the clock. "So we have two hours. Easy." she said. She instantly calmed down. I made her a breakfast taco, and she enjoyed every bite. I looked at the clock. "It's time to go, Blueberry. We have an hour to find a way into your house without waking up Aph or KC." she nodded, but she seemed almost disappointed. We stealthily ran over to the side of her house where her bedroom was, like ninjas. One problem, I forgot her bedroom is on the upstairs floor. I called Laurance on his phone. "How's operation return girlfriend going?" he asked. "Not good. Can you, Garroth and Dante get over here?" "Why?" "Human ladder." "Be right there" "Thanks dude. I owe you" "Yeah you do." and with that, we hung up. "Human ladder? Travis, what are you-" I put my finger to her lips, and she quieted down, pouting. They all came, and we started our stack. Garroth was at the bottom, Laurance next, then Dante, then me, then Katelyn. She saw her open window, and got excited. She kissed me, then said "Well, see you soon, Travis. I love you.." the end was whispered. I whispered, "Love you too, Katelyn." and she crawled into her room. Best. Day. Ever.

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