She's only just started working here and now she gets to go abroad and we don't, they would probably say. 

I didn't want any sort of drama. And I wasn't 100 percent certain that I was definitely going to go. I've only been lucky to be part of the 50. I probably might not be among the final 20. So I'm going to lie low, at least for now.

"Okay," she said. "Well then, I'm glad everything's okay with you. But I'm going to head back now. I've got a lot of stuff to sort out."

"Thank you so much, Angel. I appreciate the support."

"No problem. Bye." She gave me a smile and then turned to leave. 

"Uhm . . .wait, Angel." She stopped in her tracks.


"You know, we should hang out sometime," I blurted out. 

"Really?" she stared at me, shocked. "Are you serious?" It was as though she was genuinely surprised that I would ask to hang out with her.

"Sure." I told her. "I mean, we could go out for a meal, or you could come to my house and we could just chill. You know, get to know each other."

"Wow." Her eyes lit up. "Yes. Sure. I would love that. You just let me know when. I mean, I don't really have much that I do anyway, apart from this job, so, I'll be available." 

"Brilliant," I said, giving her a wink. "I've got your number, so I'll text you and we can set a date?"

"Yes. Perfect." She said and before I knew it, she threw her arms around me, and hugged me so tightly, that it nearly threw me off balance. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Angel."

She walked off, and this time it was like there were springs in her steps as she skipped along in excitement. 

I wonder what her story is, I thought to myself as I watched her trot down the hallway and disappear out of my sight. Everyone's got a story.
I would love to get to know hers. In fact, it would be nice to have someone who I could call my friend in this place and I thought Angel was the perfect person.

I got to my office and carried on with my duties as usual. Filing documents, reading and replying to emails, making phone calls, setting tasks, making spreadsheets.

The only thing about the day that was different from other days was the good news I received. Even though I tried my hardest, I just couldn't contain myself. I couldn't contain the excitement bubbling inside of me. The excitement that wanted to erupt out of me. I just wanted some space so so could scream with joy.

But of course I couldn't do that. Not here at work. Not yet.

There was big grin plastered on my face. I was beaming like there was no tomorrow, singing, humming and whistling cheerfully to myself as I typed away.

"This one you're smiling and singing like this eh, hope all is well?" This was Nonso, a tall, lanky girl, whose office was opposite mine.

She was one of the busybodies in the office, always looking for who to get gossips from and whom to gossip about. and put into trouble. She was the type who thought she was a superior being and that the company . . .in fact . . . the whole earth revolves around her. If only she could pay more attention when she looks at herself in the mirror, and really see that no one cares about her or her squirrel-looking teeth.

She was stood at the door. I looked up from my computer screen and looked at her, a fake smile plastered on my face. "Yes Nonso, all is well, thank you." I went back to typing. I had no time to start up a conversation with her. 

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