kidnapped by vampires to do what?! ch 1

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I was 16 when I was forced to enter the Black family. No, I was adopted, and my parents were not dead........

   June 5, 2008 I walked to my grandmother's house from a friend's house. My friend Sarah lived about a mile away from my grandmother's house. I thought sense I was so close I would just surprise her with a visit. She was not expecting me so it wasn't a surprise when I got there that her car was gone. I had a key so I just let myself in. She had lived in the same house my whole life. The house was the original creamy yellow color the builders had painted it because when it came time to repaint it she always insisted that it was important to use the exact same color. The house has many windows and warm inviting rooms.

   I spent many holidays and summer vacations at her house. My grandmother was always the cool Granny type.  She seemed much younger than she actually was. Even if you looked closely you couldn't find a winkle and she never let her hair go gray. If she even had a small amount of gray in her hair she would dye it as quick as possible. She had curly shoulder length hair that always smelled of hair spray. I could talk with her about any

As unlocked the door and walked in I could smell my grandmother's white demon perfume and hair spray. Obviously, she had just left. I walked around wondering where she went. Maybe she went to the grocery story. She always overstocks on food and drinks even though she lives' alone. Well not all alone she has a yellow lab named Sugar. When I was little I use to ride around on his back and pretend he was a horse. Being my grandmother's only grandchild I didn't have any other children to play with so I thought of Sugar as one of my friends. My grandmother never let me play with the other children in her neighborhood. She said it wasn't a good part of town. In fact, I should have thought about how she wouldn't have like me walking over her house either. That would have upset her greatly. She would have lectured. She gave me many of those. Even though she left the country she still believed in old traditions and values. She could go on for hours about what was wrong with the current American society. Another thing that she still believed in was good cooking. My grandmother makes the best homemade meals. She didn't have many people to cook for so whenever we would come over to eat she would make a buffet of food for us so her talent wouldn't go to waste.

I walk around the house thinking of something to do while I waited on her to get home. I should have called and told her I was there but it just slipped my mind. It might have changed things bit if I had called. But not one could have saved from my fate not even myself. I final decided to read a book. I always had a book in my bag where ever I went. I guess you could say that I all ways like fiction better than real life. Real life wasn't as adventure backed. I went to my bag and grabed my copy of "The Vampire Lestat".  Ann Rice had a way with vampire stories that keep me on the edge of my seat. As I sat down in the chair to read,  

I realized it was starting to get dark outside, so I reached over to turn on the light. I heard a noise out side and sugar began to bark loudly, I figure it was just a cat or something. Soon, I was deep in the world of the vampire Lestat.

"So, you like Vampires, huh?" A strange, yet nice voice asked me.

I looked up and standing in front of me was the cutest guy I had ever seen. He had to be close to my age maybe a little older. He was tall, slider, and  

dark tan skin. He had longish dark brown hair that got in his face just enough to make him mysterious but not enough to hide his large dark greenish brown eyes.

"Ummmmmm.......yeah......" I replied.

Ummm.....yeah.... omg that the best thing I could say to the cutest guy ever. Was my grandmother trying to set me up with one of the 'nice young

men at her church again. If so I was totally going for it this time. But wait... she didn't even know I was here. Why would she bring home a guy if she hadn't

planed on having me over? Hey I was arguing though. I didn't care why she had brought him here. I just couldn't stop looking into his amazing eyes.

"Me, too. But I wouldn't waste my time reading that crap. Its so unrealistic."

"So, you know a lot about vampires, huh?"

"I guess you could say that." He said as he flashed me the best smile in the world and brushed a little bit of hair out of his eyes. 

"So, Um where is my grandmother?" I asked not knowing what else to say.

" I haven't got the slights Idea."

" Oh, well how did you get in?"

" I came in the door."

Duh. Emma. Where else did he come from I told myself. I just knew it was to good to be true. He must be helping my grandmother with something. Maybe,

she hired him to cut the grass or something...but wait it was night time. why was still here?

"I ,uh, don't wanna sound rude, but why are you here?"

"For you"

"What?! Did my grandmother put you up to this?"

"No. My dad did"

"Uh, why are you here for me, I mean why would you dad want you to meet me?"

"Well, doesn't really want to meet you. I mean you could be anyone for all that he cares, but he sent me to pick someone and I pick you!"

"What?! what do you pick me for?"

"For Dinner!" He smiled again reviling fangs? Omg grandmother picked me out a freak vampire want to be. I was getting kind scared.

" Ok. I umm I think its time for you to go. It was nice meeting you ummm....?"

" Aden...and I am not leaving...."

" I said I liked vampire's but I like them in the books. I am not really into this whole role playing thing so if you could just....."

" Well I guess I'll just have to do this the hard way.." Aden said coming at me as if he real intended to bite me.

I began to run. This was very freaky! This guy was very cute and all but he either really like role play or he really thought he was a vampire. I mean vampires where only in books right?

"Please leave me alone! I don't want to....." Just then I felt a share pain in my neck. The freak bit me! Omg. I tried to get away but soon I was in a dark

place inside my own head and fell unconscious.

Kidnapped by vampires to do what?!Where stories live. Discover now