Chapter 4

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The sky was already pitch black when we were in the car. I was looking out the window immersed in thoughts. How did I end up in a car with Li and Winner. They were big names in the industry and now I was the Co-Host of a well-known radio show. I taught I was dreaming. We arrived at the restaurant and went inside by the back entrance to avoid being spotted. Li was good friends with the owner who led us to a private room to eat. It was a small but cosy room with a grill in the middle.

"Hyung let us order. I am starving", Jinwoo whined.

I was laughing at his attempt of being cute. Li laughed and nodded.

"Ok. I already know what you want to eat and drink. GRAIL what about you?", he asked me while I studied the menu. I closed the menu.

"I am not picky with food. I will eat anything you recommend. As if for drinks I am fine with water. I don't drink", I explained to him and he nodded.

"I quit drinking too Hyung", Mino added when Li stood up and left to order.

I saw that Mino was staring at me again. It was annoying as hell by now.

"Mino is there a reason why you stare at her like that? You are creeping her out mate", Jinwoo said nudging him with his elbow.

Li returned with a waiter who brought in some drinks and a few others who set up the grill.

"I am curious how you two met Hyung and how she ended up being your Co-Host", Mino said while sipping on his iced tea.

Li scratched his neck and smiled slightly embarrassed when he told them how we met.

"Seriously?! Hyung you live a reckless life don't you", Jinwoo said chuckling.

"What do you do as in profession?", Kang asked me curious.

I took a sip from my water and answered truthfully: "Part time I work in a small studio was a jumper and now I guess I am a Co-Host for a radio show".

"What is the other part time job?", Li asked me.

I hesitated to answer. If I told them that I am a producer they might think I would be here and use their connections and name.

"Come on we are friends right?", Jinwoo said smiling.

"Yes you are my friend", Jinwoo said death serious.

"I am an underground producer. I make music", I stated and Minos eyes lit up.

I explained to them what I do exactly and they seemed impressed. Winner was quite fun to be around and Li was hilarious. We ate and chatted comfortably. Someone's phone was ringing and everyone was checking if it was theirs. Turns out it was Minos. He seemed confused by the Caller-ID. Jinwoo caught a glimpse of the caller ID and told Mino to pick up. Mino got up lazily and walked out to take the call.

Just a minute after he came in and was holding his phone near his right ear and looked at me.

"GRAIL are you free after this? There is a senior of our company who wants to meet you. He listened to the show earlier", Mino explained to me.

I was not sure what I should say. Who on earth wanted to meet me? Also I was not sure if that would be safe for me since it was late and I was a woman after all. Mino saw my hesitation and put the phone on mute.

"I will come it you. I will be there. No need to worry about it", he said with a warm smile.

It was the first time he had smiled towards me like that. He must have understood my hesitation. Maybe Mino was not a bad guy after all.

"I will come too friend", Kang said cheerful.

Since they both would be there I accepted. Mino left the room to continue the call. Jinwoo on the other hand had a troubled expression on his face. I let it slide since I did not know what or how to ask.

Underground producerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora