Chapter Two

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*third person POV*

Lena walked into the school with a book bag on her back and a binder clutched to her chest. she had the school uniform on, plaid blue skirt with a white long sleeved blouse, glasses, and her long black hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. She walked to her locker which was just a few lockers down from Kara's. Kara was standing at her locker in her cheerleading uniform, chewing gum. Kara sent out streaks on snapchat and three girls from the cheerleading team came over in between Kara and Lena "look who it is, its the try hard who just wants to make her mommy proud" the redhead said. Lena looked up at the now four girls and shook her head. She didn't say anything, she just grabbed her bag from her locker and a small makeup bag. She started to walk across the hallway in the direction of the girls bathroom, before the brunette tripped her, making the makeup bag slip out of her grip. it fell in front of her as she face planted onto the hard floor. Lena sighed and once again didn't say anything. She grabbed the small bag and stood up as the girls called stuff like "loser" "nerd" "oh oops, I'm not sorry" while Kara just watched. "hey Kar, aren't you gonna get into this?" the redhead asked Kara as Lena went into the bathroom. Kara shook her head "no.. I've got class. I'll see you guys at practice after school" Kara said and the three cheerleaders walked away. Kara fixed her hair and got her bag from her locker, before heading near the bathroom Lena went into a few minutes previous. As she got closer she heard sobs. Kara walked into the bathroom and saw Lena with her back to the door. Kara bent down and made sure no one was here before locking the door, making a click. Lena jumped at the lock and turned around, looking straight into Kara's eyes. Lena had a razor blade to her wrist and a small puddle of blood on her wrist dripping down to the floor.
"What the hell are you doing?" Kara nearly yelled as she ran over to Lena. She ripped the blade from her right hand and held her left. "Lena, why?" She asked quietly as Lena tried to ask her arm away from Kara.
Kara took her sweatshirt and wrapped it around Lena's arm.
"No, Kara stop!" Lena sobbed and kept trying to take her arm away from Kara.
"Lena stop!"
Kara let go of her hand and grabbed tissues. The cut stopped bleeding a lot so Kara took off her sweatshirt from Lena's arm and cleaned up the access blood from Lena's arm.
"Do you have gauze or anything?" Kara asked Lena and Lena shook her head.
"Stay here, okay?" Kara asked "I have some in my locker" Kara said and Lena nodded. Lena wiped her eyes before Kara left the washroom. Lena felt like such an idiot. She was cutting and crying in the school washroom and Kara had caught her. Now Kara knew she cut. 'Good job Lena, good job' she thought to herself. Lena got a roll of gauze from her locker with some medical tape and chocolate. Chocolate always made things better.
Kara walked into the bathroom again and get the three things down on the counter.
"Chocolate always makes things better.." Kara said and blushed slightly and when Lena gave her a small smile
"Sixth grade.." Lena muttered "I can't believe you remember that" she whispered and Kara started wrapping Lena's arm in gauze.
"Why are you being nice to me?"
"Because we're best friends.. or.. we're best friends" Kara mumbled
Lena nodded "Yeah.. we were" she sighed and pulled her arm away as Kara wrapped it and secured it with medical tape.
Kara handed Lena the half eaten chocolate bar "it's milk chocolate.. your favourite" Kara said with a smile
"Thanks.." Lena took it "but why are you being nice to me? Not even ten minutes ago you and your friends were making fun of me" Lena said and looked down 
"Lena, I've never made fun of you. Never." Kara said looking at Lena
"You never said anything. You never stopped it. That's probably worse than saying the stuff or whatever " Lena said quietly and the first bell rang.
Kara sighed feeling guilty "what class do you have first?"
"Oh.. have fun in your favourite subject"
"I can't believe you remembered that, either"
"I remember everything Lena..we were friends, best friends, all of our lives"
"Yeah.. we were" she said quietly "I don't want to be late so I'm going to go.. please don't tell anyone about this? I-it probably would make them hate me even more" Lena mumbled
Kara nodded "of course Lena."
Lena rolled down her sleeve and picked up the blade Kara had thrown on the ground earlier. She picked up the chocolate and was about to leave but Kara but her off
"Blade please?" Kara said and held out her hand
Lena sighed but gave Kara the blade.
"Thank you" Kara smiled and Lena left the bathroom.
Kara fixed her hair and left five minutes after Lena. She walked to her first class, English, and of course was late, but it was worth it,
because she talked to Lena for the first time in years.

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