Chapter 3

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Seriously? Did I just think that?

"Is that why you don't wanna go out of the house at noon, because you'll sparkle and attract Edward-lovers?" I asked again, before falling into another fit of laughter. I was on the floor again, holding my stomach as it was hurting from laughing too hard.

Letting the last of my laughter go, I wiped away a few of my tears from laughing so hard and say up on the floor, and saw how I was a few feet away from the bed.

How did I get here?

Layton was on the edge of the bed, looking at me with confusion, annoyance, and amusement mixed together in his face expression. "Why would I attract Edward-lovers? That's not my name?" he asked, looking confused.

Did he want me to laugh to death because his reactions to my questions were going to make me gain abs from laughing so hard. I wonder why I was even finding any of this that funny, maybe it was something in the juice that I drank earlier.

Speaking of which, I really need to ask sometime about what was in them.

"Haven't you ever heard of Twilight?" I questioned. He stared at me blankly. "New moon?" Nothing. "Eclipse?" A head tilt. "Both parts of Breaking Dawn?" All I got was a head shake that he had no idea what I was talking about.

I sighed. Did this dude live under a rock? Well, okay he lived in a mansion of a rock, but a rock nonetheless. Who hasn't read or seen the series? Or at least heard of it?

"Whatever. But fine, if you really want to prove you're a 'vampire', then from here to the living room and back in under five seconds, and bring proof that you did," I decided, crossing my arms smiling. 

There's no way he was going to be able to do that.

In a flash, he was up and gone in the speed of light. My mouth dropped open as I gaped at the open door. Did he really just...?

In less than two seconds he was back and he confidently handed me a PS3 and controller, wires and all. Still with my mouth handing open in shock, I looked at his smirking expression and then at the objects in my hand.

The door he practically ripped open was still swinging before he got back with these items. I barely even had time to wipe my sweaty palms on the pants before he got back! And there's no way he unplugged any of this and still get back in that time. Not unless...

Holy tacos he was being honest.

"You're really...y-you're really..." I stammered, still staring at the controller in my arms. For some reason I couldn't push the word out of my lips so I just kept them shut while trying to process everything that I just learned in the nanosecond he was up and gone then came back.

1. Layton really was a vampire.

2. Levi most likely was too, I mean if he was living with Layton and all.

3. I was kidnapped by two vampires.

4. I accidentally spit in the face on one of them.

5. One of them I'm really attracted too, although I really need to change that.

While thinking over all these facts, something then occurred to me. Vampires drink blood. Then that would mean, assuming they don't go hunting for victims, that they have some blood supply at home. 

A disgusting thought then crossed my mind. "Wait! So that means that your..people drink blood, right?" I asked, feeling how dry my throat felt. 

He nodded. "So that juice, the one you guys made me drink, that was b-blood?" I asked. He looked down at the floor for a few seconds and that was all it took for me to get up from my spot and rush over to the bathroom.

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