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Calum's body convulsed violently. His eyes rolling back, teeth biting down on the side of his tongue causing blood to be drawn. He fell to the floor trying to reach for the pendant around his neck. He successfully reached it and pressed the button to alarm an ambulance.

Minutes later the paramedics rushed in and placed the unconscious young man onto a stretcher. They carefully and quickly rushed him out and into the ambulance.


Calum's eyes fluttered open. He blinked so his eyes would focus. He looked around the white room and sighed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. A small knock sounded as a young woman poked her head into the room.

"Oh good, you're up!" she chirped.

Calum smiled a bit, "What..um...how bad was it?" he asked as the woman walked in.

The woman smiled at him warmly, "Well, you're awake aren't you?"

Calum chuckled, "For all I know I could've died and gone to heaven. I mean there is an angel standing in front of me."

The woman blushed,  "You're a cheeky one aren't you?" she laughed, " I'm here to check your vitals."

"I don't even get to know your name?" Calum asked the beautiful nurse.

"My name is Savannah Jacobs, but you can call me Sav." she smiled.

Calum smiled and watched the blonde haired woman work, "I think Savannah is a lot prettier than Sav."

Savannah smiled and placed her stethoscope to the young man's back, "Take a deep breath for me, Cal."

Calum's heart warmed as his nickname fell from her lips. He took the deep breaths and Savannah finished taking his vitals.

"Everything is normal. The doctor should be in soon. You should be good to go very soon." She smiled.

Calum nodded, "Can I see you again? Like, after I get out of here of course."

Savannah giggled, "Are you asking me on a date, Mr. Hood?"

Calum smiled, "Mr. Hood is my dad. And well, it depends...are you single?" Savannah laughed and nodded, "Then yes, I am asking you on a date."

Savannah took out a pen and a piece of paper from her pocket. She scribbled her number on it and handed it to Calum, "Call me to set up the day."

With that she walked out of the room. Calum smiled and placed the paper in the hem of his boxers.


awwwwww s'cute ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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