Chapter 2

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Tris POV

The next morning I walk downstairs and into the living room, sitting next to Caleb. He looks up at me, "So how was your night?"

I smile, "It went great! I made 7 new friends!" He smiles and raises his eyebrow, "Do you like any of the boys?" He wiggles his eyebrows like Uriah did. I look down, "Nope. I don't know them that well."

"Really? Because that boy that dropped you off last night seemed pretty into you. And you seemed pretty into him," he says.

"Oh god. You saw that?" I ask as I feel myself blush. "Oh yeah. Mom and I were watching," he says and smirks.

I can feel my face getting extremely red and Caleb begins laughing. "So I guess we all know who Beatrice likes," he smirks as he says it. "Caleb, for the billionth time call me Tris!" I can tell my face is still red so I go up to my room and lay on my bed.
I can't help but think about his stormy blue eyes and how just overall attractive he is. Oh. My. God. Why am I like fangirling over him? This is gonna be a long summer if that's what I'm going to be doing.

Four POV
(the night before)

I pull up into my driveway, I'm still thinking about Tris. She's just so beautiful, and her eyes... Oh god don't get me started on her beautiful gray-blue eyes. God I like her. Even though I basically just met her, I like her.

I walk into my house quietly so I don't wake up my father. I quickly make my way upstairs and into my room. I thought I was unnoticed but apparently not. My dad bursts through the door, "Tobias, where have you been?" "Uh, I was at the diner with my friends." "Really? Then why'd you drop that girl off?" "Oh, she was gonna walk home so I gave her a ride... We turned out to be neighbors, she's new around here." I stutter a bit. "Well, you were still late, so you know the drill, take off your shirt." I nod and take of my shirt obeyingly and turn around so my back is facing him. I feel the first lash and fall to the ground. He gets me a few more times and gives me a few kicks to the ribs as I squeal in pain. He kicks me one more time then walks out. I try to move but I scream in pain. I finally manage to get up and walk over to my window and sit there wincing in pain. I can see Tris, oh no, she might have seen all of that. I see her look over at me, she looks really worried. She opens her window and I open mine, "Hey," I manage to say. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" She looks really worried but I just nod.

Next thing I know there's a worried Tris tending to my wounds. "Who did this to you?" She asks. "Uh..." I don't want to tell her, I mean I literally just met her like 2 hours ago. "Four?" She asks again. I sigh, "It was my father, he abuses me." Wow, that felt good to admit. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaims. "Yeah," I wince. "Are you going to be okay if I leave?" She asks. I shake my head, "No, Tris, I need to tell you something." Yup, I'm going to tell her. "Okay, I'll stay, what do you need to tell me?" She asks as she helps me lay on my stomach. I take a deep breath, "Tris, I...I like you." She sits next to me and smiles, "I like you too." I smile and she smiles back. "So I guess Uriah was right huh?" I say and smirk. "Yeah, I guess so," she smiles and lays next to me. "So, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I ask. She smiles, "Of course, but we should, you know, get to know each other first. I mean like we met like 2 hours ago."

Tris POV

"So, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Oh. My. God. Is this real life? "Of course, but we should, you know, get to know each other first. I mean like we just met like 2 hours ago." I say and smile. He nods, "True. So while I heal we get to know each other." I smile and he sits up. "Okay, so where do we start?" I ask and he smiles, "Well, uh, how about stuff about each other. Like full names, family, excetera." I nod, "Okay, well my full name is Beatrice Mikayla Prior," I say while biting my lip, "I have a brother named Caleb and my parents are Natalie and Andrew." He nods and takes a deep breath, "Well, my full name is Tobias Chase Eaton," he bites his lip, "My dad is Marcus." "What about your mom?" I ask. "She ran away from my dad and left me here, her names Evelyn." I nod, "I'm sorry Four." "Don't call me Four, call me Tobias." I smile a bit, "Okay, Tobias." He smiles and puts his arm around me and I smile. I lean into him and begin to fall asleep. I feel Tobias pick me up and lay me on the bed. The call of sleep pulls me into the darkness as I dream of Tobias.


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