Part Four

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Arms over your head, you stretched in your bed, covers slipping out of place. You looked over to the empty side of the bed and sighed. You knew Puppeteer, or Puppet, as he said you could call him, couldn't stay till morning, and yet every time you wake up without him stings. It has been this way for about a month, but every time you try to ask him why he can't stay, all he says is that it's "better if you don't know." You trusted him, but you still wanted to know.

Stomach on the verge of growling, you get up to fix breakfast. As you make your way to the kitchen (and remember in dismay that you ran out of eggs the day before), you let yourself imagine cooking breakfast with Puppeteer, giggling as you imagine him burning something and making up for it with a kiss. You sigh, a sleepy smile gracing your lips. If only.

Taking out the bread and putting two pieces in the toaster, you thought back to the conversation you two had, when he mentioned that he kills people, often. How often? He didn't say. But then again, you never asked. 

You sighed. I miss him.


You startled as a loud banging sounded from the living room, followed by an amusing amount of hushed swearing. Trying to restrain a chuckle, you suddenly remembered why you had postponed moving the furniture for so long.

Golden eyes, now tinged with orange, met your (e/c) eyes as you entered the dark, rearranged living room. You finally let out a giggle.

"Having trouble?"

The eyes only growled in response, a flash of glowing teeth shown in a snarl. You couldn't help it. Peals of laughter rang out as golden eyes glared on. So focused on your amusement, however, you failed to notice the golden eyes moving closer until invisible hands pushed you up against the wall, orange eyes dangerously near your face. Your laughter cut off with a sharp gasp, smile melting, leaving your lips agape.

The glowing eyes closed as his lips hovered near, almost touching your ear, chest pressed up against yours. "Not so funny now, am I?"

Your heart thumped at the animalistic undertones in his voice, shivers running down your spine. He's pissed!

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