Part Three

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It has been barely three days since he left, and yet you missed him as though it had been a year. You lay in your bed, staring at the empty ceiling, wide awake despite the early hour. Brushing your fingers against your lips, you could still feel his lips on yours. I shouldn't be this love struck over a stranger, you admonished yourself. I just met him, and seen him only twice. Get over him already.

Yet you knew it wouldn't be that easy. He filled something in you you never knew needed filling, a missing puzzle piece lost for so long the puzzle just seemed to not need it until it was finally found. You wanted him to come back, didn't want to know what would become if you if he didn't.

You sighed, sitting up, blankets falling limp to your hips. Making your way out your bedroom door to the kitchen, you didn't bother turning on the lights on the way, as the moonlight streaming in was bright enough to navigate your way. You turned in to the hall leading away from the bedroom, stopping short at a now-familiar sight.

"Puppeteer." A whisper, barely a breath, crossed your lips. Golden eyes widened in surprise, mouth softly agape. He clearly wasn't expecting to see you, thought you wouldn't leave your room until past sunrise.

He stepped back softly, guilt lacing his gaze pointed at the soft carpeted floor. 

"Puppeteer." A coaxing tone, hope in your voice. "Please." 

He looked up, and you took a step toward him. You reached up, fingers brushing his jaw. He leaned into your touch and put a hand over yours.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, I should have told you the truth," he started.

In response, you only pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in the soft lapel of his trench coat. He smelled faintly of ash. 

"I have to tell you something." He felt you tense at the words, but he didn't pause to let you respond. "I... I've killed people. I still do, I've killed and will kill a lot of people. I'm not telling you this because I feel guilty, and I don't, I'm telling you because you need to know. That if you push me away again, knowing the whole truth, I won't come back if you don't want me to. I'll stay away as long as you ask."

"I'm not going to push you away. Never again." Puppeteer's eyes widened at the absolute certainty in your voice, the lack of hesitation.

You pulled away, taking his hands as you stepped back, leading him back down the hall to the door to your bedroom. He raised a brow. What is he looking at me like that for? You blushed, realizing how he must be interpreting your actions. You shake your head at him, a shy smile blossoming. 

You lowered you voice to a soft whisper as you guided him through the threshold, smiling up at him. "May I have this dance?" 

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