Nyaights (Knights)

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Knights members temporarily having cat ears and tails 😏

Leo: Ucchuu~!! I'm a cat meow! Nyahaha! Guys guys! Look!

Izumi: what is it with these ears and tail?! They're so embarrassing and annoying! UGH! This is sooo stupid!

Arashi: Oh my! They look really cute! You guys look cute as well!

Suou: cat ears and tail, huh.* looks around and blushes a bit* it's cute isn't it, senpai? N-nyaa~... I was just joking!!

Ritsu: wow~ a cat huh? Everyone looks cute~ I guess I'm a Nyanpire now~ nyaaaa~

(Btw Nyanpires is actually like a character and its so cute!) 

(Btw Nyanpires is actually like a character and its so cute!) 

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ExTrA (omake)

Yuu-kun: Izumi-san... eh? (Omg he looks actually cute...)

Izumi: ah Yuu-kun! I just realised now! You would look really cute in cat ears and tail, I'm sure of it!

Yuu-kun:..... Run.


Maa-kun: Ritsu? What's with the ears and tail?

Ritsu: ah! Maa-kun! Does it look cute on me? Nyaaa~ nyaaa~!

Maa-kun: (Dang it he's so freaking cute!) Yup! You look really cute, Ricchan!

Ritsu: Yaaaay~~


Mika: Naru-chan, you look really cute with those!

Arashi: oh really? Thanks, Mika-chan! Nya~

Mika: Nya~ Nyaru-chan! Ahahah~

Arashi: ufufufu!


Suou: Leader! Where are you??

Leo: nyaa~ nyaa~

Suou: leader? Ah there he is!

Leo: you guys are soo cute! But Suou is always the cutest for me!

Suou: *heart throb + blush* l-leader!...

Ensemble Stars Headcanons and Imagines! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora