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I am presently hunched over in bed, locked into a room with no light source whatsoever. I awoke from my deep slumber approximately twenty minutes ago, but my pupils have yet to dilate. When I first woke up, I was able to feel my way around the fairly empty room and to the metal door where I spent several minutes banging on it and screaming for help. My voice gave out relatively fast since I spent a fair amount of time screaming before the son of a bitch knocked me out when he kidnapped. I can feel the massive lump throbbing over my temple. It's giving me a killer headache. To top it all, my throat is sore. Whoo-fucking-hoo. If my life really is like a cliché Disney movie, like how I always imagined it to be, then my prince charming should be coming to my rescue any minute now. That would be just great, because the lack of oxygen to my brain is making me light headed. I can feel myself slipping away into another slumber, but that's okay. My prince and I can reenact the scene from Sleeping Beauty, and he can awaken me with a kiss. That sounds about right.

I can hear muffled sounds outside the door. Maybe it's my prince.

Pft. You wish! My subconscious mocks.

It would be just great if it is him, because sleep is catching up to me, leaving me to review the past few months, and I ask myself: Where did I go wrong?

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