The drive proves to be incredibly boring. After only twenty minutes in the car, I decide to call Matty again.

"Are you going to ask me for a number this time?" he says. "Because if so, my answer is seven."

"No, I just need someone to talk to. Tell me, how far south do you think I should go?"

"South where?"

"South to California. Think I should go all the way to San Diego? I want to."

"Wait, why are you going to California?"

"Because you picked C."

He sighs. “Oh my God. Did you seriously use me to choose your next vacation spot?”

"Well, it is June. And I did just quit my job, which means I have nowhere to be until I get a new one.”

"That also means that you’re probably low on money as it is, so you should not be spending it on going to California."

"I’m not low on money, dude. In case you’ve forgotten, my parents are somewhat rich, and they kind of gave me some of their money."

"I have two things to say to that. One, your parents are assholes."

"I am aware of this."

"Two, that money’s not gonna last forever."

"I am also aware of this. Come on, Matty. I just need a break from everything."

"Okay, okay. I get it. You’re having an existential crisis."

"Am not," I argue, like a little kid.

"Are too," he shoots back.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"It is not an existential crisis, Matty. It is merely a simple quarter-life crisis. It’s just that I am twenty-one years old and still have no idea what to do with my life. What if I joined a band?”

"Instruments fall apart in your fingers."

"I can sing."

He laughs a little. “Okay, whatever. Look—I’ve gotta go now, so I’ll talk to you later.”

"Wait! Should I go to San Diego, or…?"

"Uh, sure?"

"Okay, thanks. Bye."

I enter San Diego into my GPS. It says that it’ll take me about thirteen hours—maybe twelve and a half—to get there, and I sigh loudly. I guess I’ll have to find something to do.

About four hours later, just as I’m running out of car games to play with myself, my phone rings. But it’s not Matty; it’s my younger sister Lily.

Lily doesn’t really talk to me much anymore—then again, she doesn’t really talk to anyone much anymore—so it’s kind of strange that she’s calling me. What if something happened with Ethan? I wonder, and my heart starts beating faster. I don’t even like to think Ethan’s name, let alone hear it mentioned.

I pick up my phone. “Lily? Did something happen?”

She laughs a little. “What? No. I just called to say hi, since I know I’ve kind of been ignoring you. Whatcha up to?”

I let out a breath of relief. “I’m taking a trip down to San Diego.”

"Really? Why?"

"Because I can," I reply. "Can you talk to me for a while? I’ve still got, like, eight or nine hours left and I am incredibly bored."

Wanderlust (Kellic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum