Chapter 17: First Day At School

Start from the beginning

"Katniss and Peeta Mellark! How wonderful, is this your son?" She asks motioning to Rye and I nod

"Well, I'm happy to have him in my class" she replies, I reply with a friendly smile before she walks off to talk to other parents, both Peeta and I kneel down to Ryes level, Peeta says his goodbye first till it's my turn

"Okay, I want you to be yourself, kind and happy to everyone. Make sure to make some friends today. Daddy and I will be here to pick you up once it's finished, okay?" I say, Rye nods with a smiles and then hugs me

"I love you, precious" I tell my son

"I love you too, mommy" he replies breaking the hug, I stand back up next to Peeta as I watch Rye cheerfully talking to another boy, so with a sigh Peeta and I leave so we just need to wait till his school day is finished.

Peeta and I walk hand in hand till we get home, it's so unusually quite without hearing Ryes voice throughout our home... I bring Peeta over to the couch, I've decided that I'll tell him now seeing as we're alone now

"Peeta... there's been something I've been meaning to tell you for a little while now" I say nervously

"It's okay. You can tell me" he smiles

"Peeta... I-I'm pregnant" I reply, at first I feel like he didn't take it well till a massive smile spreads across his face

"Really?! This is amazing news!" He says kissing me which makes me happy

"Okay, thank you. I thought because it wasn't something we've really discussed in more detail. I mean I know we planned to have a baby but we're not really prepared" I admit

"No! It's the best news but how are you feeling?" He asks

"Honestly? I feel fine, much more relaxed. I know what to kind of expect throughout this process and it's also to do with the fact that we're not living in this constant fear anymore" I reply

"That makes me feel happy knowing that. So, we're going to be parents again" he smiles and I do too

"We certainly are. I just hope that Rye is okay with the idea of having a brother or sister" I sigh

"He'll be fine, Katniss. I know he'll love to have a younger sibling, he can help me fight off boyfriends if the baby is a girl" Peeta smiles

"I would like to have a girl this time around... although I know if that does happen then there'll be nothing that you won't do for her" I giggle kissing him

"Everything but letting her have a boyfriend" he adds but I just roll my eyes, good luck if this baby is a girl with trying to have a boyfriend with Peeta around and if Rye is anything like Peeta then she'll have to watch out for him too.


Peeta and I wait outside of our sons school as children rush out finding their parents, I then see the familiar little boy with his long hair bouncing around as he runs out, very noticeable as our son, he laughs as he runs into my arms and I embrace him tightly

"Oh I missed you, precious" I sigh as I set him on his feet

"I missed you too, mommy!" He smiles before hugging Peeta, the walk home Rye tells us about his day at school and how he has a very 'lovely teacher' his exact words were those which just gave me another reason for him to remind me of his father. When we get home Peeta and I sit with Rye on the couch and I let Peeta tell him seeing as he's better with words than I am

"Okay Rye. Mommy and daddy have some news but before I tell you, I need to ask you what you think about ever having a little brother or sister?" Peeta asks

"Brother or sister?! Could I get one?" Rye asks, I hear myself let out a silent relieved breath

"Well, mommy has one in her belly. Right now but the baby won't come till a little while, how do you feel about having a younger sibling? You can be honest remember? We don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable about this" Peeta replies

"Yay! I'm really happy! I get bored a lot but now I won't anymore" Rye smiles before turning to me

"Is the baby really inside there mommy?" He asks patting my belly

"There is but we need to wait a few months before the baby comes. We'll have to be a little patience" I answer

"Okay, can I help you and daddy?" He asks

"Of course! You're going to be the best big brother" I smile, knowing that Rye now approves it makes me officially ease into definitely being ready to have this baby, I mean I'm still scared and nervous but it's not like it was before... I just want to enjoy having my first pregnancy in the new world.

Haymich eats dinner with us at night like he always does and Rye tells him about how well his day at school went. Haymich actually listens which Peeta and I have only now gotten use to because the Haymich we use to know hated hearing people or children talk about their day and tell them to leave him alone but it's somehow different with Rye.

"Haymich, we've got something to tell you" Peeta says, this gets his attention and then Peeta nods at Rye

"I'm going to be a big brother!" Rye happily squeals

"Wow! It's about time you popped another one out. I've been waiting quite some time" Haymich chuckles but I just roll my eyes

"Oh my god... you can't even act excited. It has to be a smart remark" I groan

"Oh no, the hormones are kicking in" Haymich teases but I just glare evilly at him

"I'd watch it, Haymich. Don't piss her off" Peeta warns trying to be serious but he has a small smile on his face that he tries to hide

"Can I tell my new friend at school tomorrow?" Rye asks

"Who's your friend?" I reply

"He's new. His name is Axel Hawthorne" Rye replies, Peeta and I both look at each other in shock, oh my god...

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