Saving the Ugly Cat was Totally Worth the Pain but the Smell is Another Story

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Angela calls Minghao into work earlier than normal so he could help her interview applicants. With how well the shop was doing Angela was able to afford more help and replace Sungmin. Minghao was a little sad to see Sungmin fired but the dude messed up one to many times and telling Angela to fuck off sealed the deal. Minghao didn't know how he felt about hiring another delivery person because that means less money for him but it also meant less work. Angela promised to hire a part time delivery person so he could still get enough hours to pay rent. Once they set everything up they unlocked the door and allowed people to come in. Minghao played secretary, he wrote everyone's name down when they came in, informed Angela who came so far, and lead them to the back room where the interview was taking place. It took almost the whole morning to get threw all the applicants but they made it just in time for the lunch rush. What better way to learn the ropes than being thrown head first into the busiest time of day. Minghao felt pity for the two poor souls (Minhyuk and Jisoo) working the kitchen with Angela but they were keeping up with her orders. Minghao was stuck with a guy named Mingyu, who looked very familiar but he couldn't place his finger where he's seen Mingyu.

"Okay, let's check out your car." Minghao followed the taller guy out to his car before they placed the black carrier bags inside Minghao did a quick inspection of the car. "I'll let you off this one time but you really need to clean inside." Minghao nagged as he placed the bags inside and got into the passenger seat. Minghao doesn't remember the last time someone drove him anywhere so he decided to enjoy it. They make small talk as Mingyu drives from delivery to delivery and Minghao fixes all the little mistakes Mingyu makes. They stand outside of an apartment door for ten minutes and no one answers so they go back to the car.

"What do we do with the order?" Mingyu askes.

"We throw it away," Minghao says and smiles when Mingyu is about to protest, "or we can eat it." Mingyu looks so happy eating the brownies and Minghao couldn't help but laugh. Minghao can't remember the last time he made a new friend but after spending the whole day with Mingyu he felt oddly close to the taller boy. They exchange numbers and Minghao has to stop himself from punching Mingyu when he laughs at Minghao's flip phone. They part ways when Angelo's closes and Minghao ponders if he should stop by the 24 hour gas station.

"They are having a 2 for 1 deal on hot dogs." He mutters to himself. Minghao parks his car and walks towards the door but he hears barking, his heart stops when he sees the ugly cat limping out of the ally way panting. Before Minghao could think he see the dog going for the cat. Minghao instinctively rushes towards the cat, scooping it into his arms. He manages to save the cat but the dog still clamps down on his leg. Minghao lets out a loud hiss when the dog lets go of his leg and goes for his arm. Minghao does the only thing he can do, he kicks the dog before it can bite down on his arm. Its sharp teeth graze his arm but the dog runs off after the kick.

"That was a close one, huh?" Minghao pets the shaking cat softly, he quickly walks back to his car and drives back to his apartment. Walking up the stairs was almost impossible but somehow Minghao managed to get into his apartment. Under the kitchen light he examines the cat for any injuries but all he finds are scabs and scars. Minghao grabs the first aid kit from under the sink and pours the aochal over the bites. The cat meows at him as he wraps bandages around his leg and arm.

"What?" Minghao looks at the cat. "Hmm, I should probably name you something, the cat is a mouth full." He pets the cat from head to tail. "What about... Mihi? Yeah that works." Mihi tilts their head to the side as he scratches under their chin. "Lets go to bed." Minghao picks Mihi up and goes to his room. Mihi curls up next to Minghao's shoulder and they fall asleep. In the morning Minghao wakes up to a foul smell. Mihi was laying on his face and they smelled like rotting garbage.

"Okay you're getting a bath first thing when I come home." Minghao says as he gets ready for work. He feels bad for not having any food but Mihi was a stray so one day without food wouldn't kill them and he promises to buy a pack of cat food and some treats, maybe even a toy.

"Bye, see you later." Minghao coos when Mihi meows a goodbye to him. During his break Minghao buys all the cat things he would need, shampoo, food, a litter box, litter, and two toys from a pet store that was having a huge sale on pet supplies. It hurt his wallet so much but it was worth it. Minghao smiled when Angela handed him a black carrier bag five minutes after closing. It was for Vernon and Minghao really wanted to see him, because Vernon wasn't there the last time he delivered the pizza... It was techanlly Jaekwan and that upset Minghao greatly. Minghao skipped up the stairs of Vernon's grandma's house and knocked on the door.

"Hello, Vernon." Minghao chirped happily.

"Hey, Minghao." Vernon greeted back as he took the pizzas and passed them off to someone else. "Are you okay? You were limping and your arm..." Vernon asked pointing at his bandaged arm.

"Oh this? I saved a cat from becoming a dog's chew toy." Minghao tried to laugh it off. "Wait how do you know about the limp? Were you watching me?" Minghao grinned. "I didn't know you were sooo...." Minghao tried to think of something but he didn't know where he was going with this.

"What? No... I heard your car and peeked out the window when you were walking over." Vernon defended himself. "So... Are you okay?" His voice was filled with concern and Minghao felt his heart flutter.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt to bad." Minghao shrugged it off, not wanting to worry the younger.

"Well, make sure you take it easy okay?" Vernon nagged. "By the way did you get your tip last time? I forgot to ask my friend if he tipped or not."

"At the farmhouse right?" Vernon nodded. Minghao didn't know what to say. "Uhhh, yeah I got my tip..." Minghao didn't know if he should mention the weird pentagram demon ritual he stumbled upon.

"That's good." Vernon handed Minghao his tip and he just nodded his head.

"Well see you, I have cat business to get to." Minghao remembers the stinky Mihi waiting at home.

"Good night. Maybe we can have a kitty date sometime." Vernon waved at him.

"Totally." Minghao confirmed and quickly turned around to hide the blush blooming on his face. Once back inside the apartment Minghao unpacks all the cat things, he feeds Mihi dinner before taking them into the bathroom along with the shampoo.

"Let's get you cleaned." Minghao was ready for the claws to fly but Mihi was surprisingly calm the whole bath, purring as he scrubbed her gently. Minghao lifted Mihi up to his nose when they were dry and sniffed.

"You smell like flowers now." Minghao chuckled as he placed Mihi onto the bed. He turned off the lights and crawled under the blankets. Mihi took their rightful place next to his shoulder again and the two fell asleep.

I Should Be More Worried About What You're DoingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon