Chapter Two: The Plan

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You felt the light from your bedroom light hit your (s/c) eyelids along with the gentle shake of your Squip. You groaned and pulled the sheets over your head.

A small shock was sent through your body. You shot up out of bed and growled, "Jeez, I'm up!"

 "Good. Now where this!" Squip instructed handing you  holographic tank top and a pair of black leggings. 

 "What? Why?" 

 "Because I said so!"

 "Well I want to know why!" 

 "OK fine. If my calculations are correct you will be able to hang with some of the popular kids if you wear this. And through the populars you can get to Jeremy." Squip explained to you as you got dressed. I

 "Um OK? But how will this do anything for me to get to Jeremy?" 

 "He will see that you are cool and beautiful and the popular tolerate you. And he will be able to hang with you personally. This has an 80% chance of working!"

 You stayed silent. You were hesitant on the plan, but the Squip said I have an 80% chance of this working. Signing, you did you usual makeup and put you hair in a messy bun. "This better work, " you mumbled. 

"It will," Squip stated. 

You jumped as his voice, "I forget you can read my thoughts."

You headed down to the kitchen were you met the sweet smell of pancakes and the citrus smell of orange juice. You smile as you plop down on a chair at the table. Your mom gave you a plate with warm pancakes and a glass full of the orange liquid. 

"Good morning mom!" You smiled holding back the hurt from last night. 

"Good morning sweetie. How did you sleep last night?"


"That's good to hear, " your mom smiled sitting down with you, "Has anything interesting happened?"

 "No not really," you lied. You didn't want Mom to stress over your love issues. Especially after dad died a few months ago. He passed from lung cancer and you and Mom have been struggling to move on. 

"Well if anything does let me know, k?"

"K," you smiled as you finished your last bite of food.last

A long honk was heard. "Well that's my ride! I'll see you later mom. Love you bye!"

"Alright love you too! Be safe and have fun!"

You nodded and opened the door. 

Well ok. Two edit updates on one night! Go me! I will at least update every night and get caught up! If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Love y'all


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