New Beginnings and drama.

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Kyla's POV:

Taking a shallow breath was painfully difficult. A wave of dizziness assaulted her after she feebly tried to breath deeply. Closing her eyes she counted, slowly. 1,2,3... Hoping in vain to quell the feeling of helplessness and fear rising. Immense pressure weighed her down as if a ton of bricks down on her. Shifting slightly she winced as pain ricocheted through her right arm. Her limbs were heavy and uncoordinated. A wave of nausea hit and lingered for a spell. Pausing, closing her eyes, she silently prayed. Grimacing, heavily laden eyes opened slowly, as something trickled down her forehead and onto the bridge of her nose.

Silently watching the warm sticky red substance pooled down her face. She was dumbfounded. Moving was obviously impossible and could potentially lead to more pain. She was running out of options. She felt completely helpless. Glancing down she could see that a dark pool of blood had stained the front of her dress. She wanted to cry, yell, and lash out but she needed to remain calm. Especially, if she wanted to get out of there alive.

She needed to be strong. She couldn't be selfish. Her life wasn't the only one in danger. "Rafe, baby!", she whispered softly. Was that her voice? Her throat was raw and speaking was painful. Licking her lips she cringed because they were chapped. Her mouth felt dry as a desert and her skin was clammy. Her throat burned. She tried again to whisper his name but the words lodged in her throat wouldn't come out. She knew that calling him again was futile. She could sense it. He wasn't there.

He was gone and she didn't know where he was. Closing her eyes tightly some of the dizziness subsided. Smells of rain, fresh cut grass, blood, burning metal and rubber bombarded her senses. They filled the air as if it was a new perfume. There was also the faint scent of gasoline. Feeling a swift kick cool tears freely flowed down her heated cheeks.

Her babies were safe. Alive! But where the hell was her mate and what the happened? Today, started off so full of promise. It was supposed to be about new beginnings but it ended up being the beginning of more damn drama.

What do you think happened? Where is Rafe? Do you think he is alive?

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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