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timmyc: okay you actually werent naked smh

peterh: you took too long hoe

timmyc: did you find the oreos

peterh: did you find me in bed

timmyc: yes

peterh: what was i eating

timmyc: peaches

peterh: ....

timmyc: wait did you leave the house

timmyc: wait peter where did you go

timmyc: wait peter im sorrry

timmyc: peter where are you

timmyc: peter

timmyc: the love of my life

timmyc: peter where are you

timmyc: peter

timmyc: peter

timmyc: peter please

peterh: what the frickle frackle i was in the bathroom

timmyc: oh thank the lord

peterh: bby where you at

timmyc: in bed

peterh: im coming

a/n this is so cringy why did i write this

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