Chapter One

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Haley’s POV

I woke up from my deep sleep very confused. Why did I sleep sitting up? And why was the chair jostling around so much? I opened my eyes and immediately remembered where I was when I saw the flight attendant walking down the aisle, telling people to prepare for landing. I was surprised we were almost there; I must have been sleeping for much longer than I thought.

            I was on a flight from New Delhi to Frankfurt on my way back to my hometown in the States after my two month trip to India. I was already missing the heat and the chaos Delhi provided, but it would be good to be home and see my family again. I really wasn’t around as often as I should be. You see, I’m 19 and about to go into my second year of university at a school that is 18 hours away from my little hometown in rural New England. Not only that, but I spent the majority of my summer off across the world, instead of at home. My parents supported my decision, but I knew they missed me. I was glad that I’d have a month to spend with them before school started back up again.

            We landed in Frankfurt a little early, giving me even more time to explore the German airport. I got off of the plane and realized I would have wifi again, I got excited to check my messages from my friends and tweet my progress in my trip. I became so wrapped up in my phone that I walked right into someone else, spilling their coffee all over them and the floor.

            “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I did that!!” I say apologetically as I pick the coffee cup off of the floor. When I raise my glance to the person I collided with I became in shock for two reasons—they were absolutely COVERED in coffee, and it was none other than Niall Horan. I decided I should focus on the first, and started apologizing all over again. “Oh no it’s ALL over you. Ugh, I’m such a klutz I am so so sorry. Here, please let me buy you another. I know it doesn’t really make up for spilling your first all over you, but it might help?” I said sheepishly, looking into his birght blue eyes.

            “No, no, it’s really okay. Mistakes happen, right? Don’t worry too much about it.” He said with a small smile. I was so drawn in by his accent that I almost forgot to respond to what he had said.

            “No, really, I insist! The Starbucks is right over there, right? What did you have?” I respond.

            “Here, I’m not in any rush, I’ll just come with you and order. It’s a pretty specific order,” he mumbled, seemingly embarrassed.

            “If you’re sure you have the time? I know you’re quite the busy guy…” I responded, unsure of whether or not I should let on to the fact that I’d recognized him. I didn’t want him to think I was this huge obsessive fan, even though I pretty much was.

            “Ahh, so you do recognize me. I was starting to wonder whether you did or not because you didn’t seem to have any reaction to it. Not a fan?” he asks teasingly.

            “No, I’m a fan, I was just slightly more preoccupied with trying to fix the horrible situation I had caused than I was focusing on the band you’re in” I joked, laughing along with him.

            “Okay fair enough. Since you already know my name, I don’t have to introduce myself. What’s your name, though?”

            “My name is Haley.” I say quickly before giving the barista my order nd looking expectantly at niall for him to order too. He looks at me for a second before sighing and going to order, realizing I wasn’t going to back down at trying to buy him a replacement coffee. He took so long to ramble off his order that I didn’t even realize he had paid for the both of ours in the process.

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