Chapter 8: Raining on your Parade

Start from the beginning

"O-Ok." Miu said while twirling with a bit of hair.

"We'll do it. No problem." Y/N continued.

Caruthers nodded. "Good. Now I have no reason to keep you here, you may leave." Y/N and Miu turned started walking out but Caruthers called out to them. "Ah, hold on, one more thing." They turned around to her. "No I'm not sure if this involves you, but a student from your class came to us and said that someone's undergarments fell right on her head. She couldn't find anyone nearby who could've done it. Any ideas?"

Y/N could tell from the way Miu was backing up the door of the room that she was panicking slightly. "Nope. Not a clue. Don't know what you're talkin about."

"Very well. Run along then."

Y/N and Miu swiftly left the room. As soon as they closed the door they both sighed in relief. "That was too close." Y/N huffed. "What where you thinking talking to the principal like that? Do you want us to get kicked out?"

"S-S-Shut up. I just think it's unfair to have us help out with some dumb recital for something we didn't do on purpose and wasn't completely our fault."

Y/N sighed. "Look, helping this music recital might not be that bad. It could be pretty neat"

Miu pouted slightly while muttering 'whatever'. "Let's just go home."

"Sure thing." Upon getting the front entrance of the school and opening the doors they could see it was still raining fairly heavily. "Oh right. Forgot it was raining."

"Don't worry I have something for this." Miu started searching through her bag.

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Another invention?" he asked

"Nope." Miu took out and opened up and umbrella. "Just a regular dumb ol' umbrella. Now get under. Might as well stay dry before we split."

Y/N went under the umbrella with Miu and they started walking back. "No fancy type of umbrella that you invented."

"Hah-hahaha! Y/N, you should know by now that this gorgeous girls time is precious. I'm not gonna waist my time with enhancing something like an umbrella."

"I see." Y/N said while reflectiong on some of the more... questioning things Miu has made that he's seen.

While walking through the rain they saw a familiar face that made them slightly uncomfortable. Kokichi. He smiled at them when he saw them walking in his general direction. "Oh great." Miu muttered.

"Nishi~ Well good to see you guys. Heyyyy you didn't get expelled did ya? Did ya? Huh? Huh?"

Y/N sighed. "No, thanfully we didn't. We just need to help out with the music recital that's happening soon."

"Daww well that's good, I was afraid I was gonna lose my buddies, well... buddy."

Miu clenched her teeth. "Whatever, c'mon Y/N let's get outta here."

Y/N nodded and continued to walk with Miu under her umbrella, but Kokichi stood in front of them holding his hand out. "Ooooh I wouldn't go that way."

"And why the fuck not?" Miu questioned.

"Shut your mouth you ugly cow." Kokichi said in an offputtingly happy voice. "Apparently people have been seeing some weird stuff down there."

"C-Cow? N-No one has called me a cow before." Miu said while fiddling with her fingers.

Y/N was a little put off by Miu's reaction but he was also mad and Kokichi for calling his friend that. "Yeah, I'm sure we'll be fine. Let's go Miu."

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