Chapter 6 Date with the ice hank

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Hey Minna!  This story was still grayza enjoy this chapter if your a fan of grayza!!

Erza's POV

I woke up doing the same routines as always...

I wore this fancy black dress and finish my hair..i add.a black ribbon on it and I wore long socks with black boots..

I kinda look like a maid but whatever I like it and when I headed to the city everyone was looking at me some of the boys gave me a love stare the girls we're dreaming that they should be me once they saw me with gray

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I kinda look like a maid but whatever I like it and when I headed to the city everyone was looking at me some of the boys gave me a love stare the girls we're dreaming that they should be me once they saw me with gray.
As gray stare at the girls they almost fainted... Geez these girls give me creeps... Gross!!

These girls we're easy to get I can't believe it I wonder how many boys they have been with..

"Hey erza we're here.. " he says

I just smiled at him "Wow.. This place is amazing" I says with a surprise

"I know right.. " he replied

"Excuse me sir ma'am may I take your order?? " the waiter asked

"I would like a 1 slice of strawberry cake and some iced tea juice" I says while my eyes we're shinning.

"what about you sir? " the waiter asked gray

"I would like the same order as hers. "

"OK sir here take to our receipt and wait for few minutes.. " as the waiter leaves

After 15 minutes..

"Here you go Sir, enjoy your food!  And by the way may I asked your name Sir?? " the waiter asked gray..


"enjoy your meal Mr.  And Mrs.  Fulbuster!! "

"oh no,  we're not married Sir hehehe"

The Dragon PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora