Chapter Five - Lovers

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“Oh, no you don’t!” suddenly erupted from behind him.  A nude female jumped on his back like a rabid she-cat.  The ska winyan nibbled on his ears and nipped at his neck as she hung on.  Her breasts were flattened on his back.  She rubbed her body against the smooth texture of his skin. 

He couldn’t take the torture.  He was only a man!  Spirit Bear groaned and turned toward her.  “You asked for it now,” he growled.

The masterful man had a dangerous look in his eye, but his smile twitched the edges of those luscious lips. Kaitlin needed no encouragement; she was hot for him.  With a frenzied need, their bodies met and joined…

“I love you, Mazaska Zi Ista,” he said seriously as he gazed upon her.  His features were relaxed in satisfaction.

“And I love you, my mighty warrior.  I will await your safe return to my side.”

They rinsed off once more before dressing.  Kaitlin smiled to herself.  She couldn’t believe what a crazed affect this man had on her.  She’d never have thought she could do what she did with this man of her heart!

Woniya Mato smiled to himself as he listened to her hum as she dressed.  It was a sound of happiness.  The war chief was thankful that he was the one to give her this emotion.  They walked back to the village with light hearts.

When Kaitlin arrived back at the tipi, two Indian women waited for her.  They were shy and weren’t well-known to her.  The betrothed woman smiled at them to ease their discomfort.  They were from a smaller tipi from the outskirts of the community.

“We want to honor the bride and groom on their approaching wedding.  We bring gifts.”

Kaitlin glanced at the chief, and he nodded subtly in her direction.  “Tos, thank you,” she managed.

The first girl brought forth a cutting tool for slicing hide into shapes to sew.  It had an antler handle and a very sharp obsidian blade.  Kaitlin gently hugged the girl.  The other became embarrassed and looked down. 

The second woman gave Golden Eyes a stiff rawhide in which three bone needles protruded.  There was a wrapped ball of sewing sinew as well as a second ball of the softer suppler rawhide-type thread.  Again, Kaitlin gave the woman a loose hug to show her thanks.  They were fine gifts.

“I have much honor for these fine gifts.  I will treasure and use these gifts for many moons!”

The first girl’s quiet voice trembled, “Perhaps you can sew clothes for a child soon.”

Golden Eyes was taken off guard, but quickly recovered and agreed with the girl.  A woman’s worth in the Indian community was placed on her ability to bear children, male in particular.  The more children a woman could bring forth into a tipi, the more Wakantanka smiled upon her.

Both women nodded to Kaitlin and then returned to their tipi.  Kaitlin walked past Woniya Mato to place her new supplies in their tipi.  He wore a small smirk on his full lips. 

Kaitlin wondered if it was because of the comment about making clothes for a child.  Well, that would have to wait.  That was not the most pressing thing on her mind!

She noticed that the war chief was attaching his new arrow heads on the tips of light shafts.  His feather guides would send their barb where ever the big man wanted it to go.

Spirit Bear had just completed the perfecting a new technique on his bow that increased his yardage by a minimum of twenty feet.  The Crow would know no wrath like that of Woniya Mato!  And he’d shared his secret with his warrior and hunting brothers in his band.

Passions of the Heart - BOOK 2 of PASSION seriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora