Chapter One - Betrothal

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Chapter One


            Kaitlin Farley stared at the back of the legendary war chief as he addressed the very large gathering thronged around him.  Her legs shook with nerves, but her heart sang with ecstatic joy.  He’d just announced to his Lakota band of the Sioux tribe that she was his betrothed!

            The white woman looked down at this mark of ownership around her neck.  The wanapin was designed from a centerpiece of a single bear claw flanked by opalescent stones that were joined by reddish sparkly sandstone, midnight onyx, golden flecked Formica pebbles, and more of the tiny gleaming iridescence nuggets.  It stood for her induction into Indian society, a denouncement of her wasicu ways and beliefs, and her accepted proposal to become the wife of a renowned leader.

            The golden beauty looked upon his powerful bronze frame with love as Woniya Mato addressed his people.  His body rippled with muscular strength, and his commanding voice resonated over the crowd as he accepted her into the Bear Claw Clan branch of the intrepid Oglala.  The three other members of the tribal council lent their voices in support.  The crowd cheered madly. 

            As Chief Spirit Bear turned his six-foot frame toward her, his bear claw and teeth wanapin bounced on his hard chest.  He was dressed in buckskin finery.  The prominent man’s fringed shirt was decorated with colorfully dyed porcupine quills in intricate patterns.  His leggings were also fringed but did not have the quill adornments.  The breechcloth, however, displayed a similar pattern with no fringing.  The warrior’s stealthy feet were clad in the softest moccasins with the same complicated quill design.

            Woniya Mato’s shiny black hair hung feely.  His chieftain war bonnet of many eagle and hawk feathers marked his countless coups.  Red feathers with black tips along with bear teeth and claw streamers adorned his head.  The feathered ensemble cascaded along with his hair down his back. 

            The war chief captured Kaitlin’s attention with his obsidian eyes.  He held out his hand toward her.  In his warm tenor voice, he commanded her to come to him.  With trembling legs, Kaitlin did as he bid her. 

            Spirit Bear’s handsome face smiled upon her as she approached.  His eyes twinkled with pride.  The honey-haired girl held her hand toward his outstretched one.  He clasped his warming comfort around hers and drew her into his strong embrace.  In front of the whole tribe, he lowered his lips to hers and sealed their fate with a passionate kiss from his heart. 

            It was the only thing the stalwart male could’ve done to take her mind off of being the center of attention of every person in the community.  When Woniya Mato, or Spirit Bear as the whites would call him, touched her, she forgot all but him.  His tender kiss erased all of her worries and unease.

            When her betrothed’s full lips withdrew from hers, she sighed with happiness.  He smiled at her with joy as well.  Both were winners in this union. 

            “Soon, Wastelaka, but not soon enough, Nimitawa ktelo, you will be mine, joined for all time under Indian law, blessed by Wakantanka himself!” his voice, deep with passion, confided in her.

            They turned and the crowd surged to congratulate them.  Arms touched, patted, and caressed her hair and arms.  Many friends surrounded them and smiled in happiness for the couple. 

            After the multitude began to resume the celebration, Kaitlin sighed in relief. Spirit Bear looked upon her with amusement. 

            “You will endure many of these celebrations in the years to come,” he confessed with humor warming his voice.

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