Chapter One: Dreams

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  I couldn't even close my eyes for one second last night. There's way too much on my mind. Not only the daily nuances of school and home life but also what I could see if I fell asleep.
Ever since I was about 5 years old, I began to have these strange dreams. They feel like memories, ones that I'm just starting to make. They feel so real, like I'm living another life, in my sleep.
But these dreams, or visions maybe, are not that great. I see murder, fear, lies, and everything in between, and even though I've had them for years on end, they still scar me to this day.
  So, I didn't sleep a wink last night. And now it's 6:35 a.m., time for school, time to live life as a 15 year old sleep deprived high schooler.

  I pick out a simple outfit, something that will help me blend in, and head downstairs. My mom is making breakfast for my sister and grandma, she is living with us for the time being. I say my good mornings, grab a bagel out of the fridge, and say goodbye to everyone as I grab my bag pack and head out the door. Timothy and Melanie are already at the bus stop, Mel listening to what I'm pretty sure is The end of the world by Skeeter Davis (you could literally hear the sound from a mile away),and Tim reading his book on dream psychology. He knows about my situation, I had to come clean to Melanie and him after a very unfortunate event at school that involved my science class and sleep. They both want to help me be able to not be scare of falling asleep, despite clear instructions to not make it a big deal, but they're my best friends so what can I expect.

  I walk over to the bus stop and stand over Tim, he's too focused on the book to pay attention to me though. Mel shouts out a "GOOD MORNING", clearly her volume is up way too high. Tim finally looks up, looking a little annoyed at Melanie. "How was sleep? Was it at least better than yesterday?" he says. I dose of a little, he glares at me with a slight concern in his eyes . "That bad huh. So, I've reached some development about your 'state'. I know you told me to back off on that subject because it's not that big of a deal but-"
Mel takes her earphones off and begins to cut him off, "but it is a big deal Luna, like MAJOR. And the fact that you've had these... dreams since you were 5 concerns me." "THAT's what I wanted to mention. I've been reading, mostly on the internet because this book has no relevant information, probably due to the fact that 75% of the pages are gone as this is a library book and you know our school..." "Get to the point Timothy!", Mel and I say in synch. He begins to tell us that recurring dreams usually occur after a stressor, usually something, a problem, that you want/ need to remove in your life. Tim also states that the dreams can turn into nightmares in occurrences that the problem persists in our lives. The bus comes, and I tell him that can't be it, there's no stressor in my life that will cause such a big disturbance. At least not one to make me dream I'm killing someone.


Word count : 585

A/n ~ First chapter huh? Needs some work but the base of the story is set. And btw this is slightly inspired by this book I'm reading called 'The Killer in Me' by Margot Harrison. But just in the way Luna has dreams. I think I could've done better, but currently it's 11:00 p.m. Hope you enjoyed! 🤧

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