freedom chapter one

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I still can't believe I finally did it!

I finally ran away from my family and snuck into a plane.

I sighed a big breath of relief. No one would notice I'm gone. It's kind of like those hidden characters in movies. They cant be spotted easily.

Suddenly, I heard a loud crash and an alarmed voice. "This is your captain speaking. Something unknown has crashed into our plane. We cannot do any landings. We are very sorry. I -"

The intercom was cut short when a lot of people where sucked out. Thankfully, I didn't check anything in. Just all in one small briefcase. I clutched onto my items and let myself get sucked out. Hey! Call me crazy but at least I may or may not be able to survive. This was my moment of suspense, when I had no idea where I'd go, or where I'd be.

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