You're Insecure

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FP Jones

"I swear to god!" You shouted, even after two hair washes, your hair was still super dry. It was more than frustrating.

"Babe?" FP asked, letting himself into the bathroom. You pinched the bridge of your nose and he placed his hands on either side of your shoulders.

"No, don't babe me. Babes are hot. You see this?" You pointed to your hair.

"This piece of crap, is so dry, it could come across as a goddamn hay bale. It is not hot." You groaned. He had to try and hide his smirk at how cute, but how annoyed you were.

"I think you still look beautiful." He admitted.

"Yeah, yeah." He ended up booking you a scalp massage to help relax you and your dry hair.

Jughead Jones

"I just can't stop." You told Jughead, stuffing your face with even more chips.

"You're saying that as if it was a bad thing. It's better than not eating." He replied, looking up from his laptop and focusing on what you were doing.

"Because it is Jug. I walk down the street with an ice-cream and I get horrible looks. I go to school and get horrible looks because I have more food than everyone else." You pushes the bag away and slouched on the chair.

"Y/N, you're pregnant. Who doesn't eat more when they're pregnant?" He asked, and come to think of it, he was right.

"I suppose so."

Sweet Pea

The bump had gotten big, super big. Sweet Pea looked at it in a positive way. He just loved seeing how beautiful you looked while pregnant. But you didn't. The insecurities were high.

"Babe have you seen my - what are you doing?" He stopped mid sentence when he saw you in shorts and a bra, looking at yourself in a weird way.

"Look how huge I am." You whispered, running your hand over the bump.

"You look so gorgeous." He kissed your cheek.

"I'm fat Pea." You admitted and his jaw dropped, shocked that anything like that came from your mouth.

"You're not fat, you're beautiful. You're also pregnant, with twins in fact. Don't you dare say that to me or anyone else for that matter. Never let nobody tell you any different." His words had you in tears, you loved him so much.

Fangs Fogarty

Owning a paddling pool in hot heat, was the best thing ever. It only managed to fit six people in at a time, but you spent most of the day in it. But as soon as Toni arrived, wanting to come in with you, you rushed inside to change your swimsuit.

"Not that you don't look stunning now, but why did you change?" Fangs asked, while you poured a glass of water.

"Stretch marks." You sighed in defeat. He frowned, not liking how you made yourself upset over the natural things in your pregnancy.

"Y/N, most women get them in pregnancy. It's nothing to be ashamed about." He reassured you and you nodded. But that didn't budge you to change again.

"Don't get yourself down about it, I love you." He kissed your lips.

"I love you too."

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