Chapter 2: Seo Kangjun, The Boss

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I look up from my phone to see a very good looking person, coming straight to me, with his expensively-looking blue blazer.

His face was familiar. ‘Oh hell, it’s freakin’ familiar! He’s the model who worked under this company!! Seo Kangjun!!’, I yelled to myself internally.

“Seo Kangjun-sshi!”, I voiced out as he raise an eyebrow at me.

“yah, why are you calling him that, he’s one of the three boss!”, the girl who was beside me jabbed my side with her elbow making me glare at her. Cu’z it’s freakin’ hurt.

“didn't I told you not to play your phones while at work?”, he said and with that he took my phone from my hand. “wh-wha?..”, I was stunned, did he just said that? Is he really our manager? But isn't he supposed to be the model and actor? This is probably just a dream right?

“if you don't want to lose your phone, go to my office after your work is done, (name)-sshi”, he reminded me while waving my precious phone in the air with a smirk on his handsome face before he walks away.

I pursed my lips in annoyance, ‘is he serious?’.

Later that day, I went up to the toppest floor to go to his office as to what the other girls told me. When I look at the door to see his name, then I thought to myself, “this could be a dream, but I knew I woke up this morning….ah meolla!”, I knocked the door and pushed it open while my other hand was holding my coat tightly.

There he was, Seo Kangjun, he has a very charming face for a manager but…isn’t he supposed to be an actor? Seriously I don't know what's right or wrong now.

Seo Kangjun was seating on his chair while briefing through his paperworks that were piling on his desk.

“Umm..”, I tried to make a sound so he could actually notice me, but he still seem to concentrate on his works to even notice me.

I scooted even closer to his desk and knocked on his desk to announce myself but he only held his hand up while still concentrating in his works.

That way, I took my time to look even closer to his charming features. Wow is the only word that came out from my lips.

Something about him makes me so attracted to him, his lips? Beautiful. His eyes? Dazzling. His chin? Sharp.

I didn't notice I was staring intently at him until he cleared his throat while staring back at me which made me jolt and looked away immediately.

“I wasn't looking at you”, I muttered under my breath but he could clearly heard it. “yeah, you weren't looking”, he smiled, before ushering me to seat at the nearest seat to eat with him.

Waw sushi, rich guy. Well duh~ he’s what as they said, the manager.

While we were eating, he asked, “I accidentally looked at your phone when I took it from you, I’m sorry”. I quickly shook my hand in the air, telling him it's okay.

“so…I saw the voting poll”, his eyes lingered to my eyes slowly which initially making my heart pound on my chest. “y-yes?”, I squeaked out, I did not intend that to happen.

“did you vote it already?”.

His stare, is intense.

I blinked my eyes before shaking my head as a no. “who will you vote?”, he raise his eyebrow to me. “u-uhm… I’ll vote for you?”. He smiled, “really?”. I nodded my head. He slowly reached his hand to my head before he pat my head gently.

I blushed brightly, ‘eeh?’.

“here, your phone”, he placed my phone right infront of me and I quickly took it, “are you doing anything tonight?”.

His question made me pondered, “perhaps not….but I’m planning on buying a pouch my mom wanted before heading back home”, I nodded to myself. “what pouch?”, he asked before slipping in one of the sushi into his lips, beautiful lips.

“If I’m not mistaken, mom wants me to buy the pouch that was on sale’s a Harrods”, I muttered before sighing to myself, “and yet despite it's on sale, my money isn't enough”.

He chuckled, “you can always borrow my card, you’ll get a 25% discount after all”. My eyes widened in surprise, “are you sure it’s okay?”, I stood up from my seat and yet I found myself embarrassed, so I sat back while looking away, “y-you don't have to, Seo Kangjun-sshi”.

He laughed again, “it's okay”

“th-then, I’ll pay you when I have the money”, I stated while clenching my fist with a smile. He could only smile in response, “when we’re done eating, we could go there together, that is if you don't mind”, he peered to me.

As we finished eating sushi, Seo Kangjun walked with me along the stall, eyes were on both of us, no wait I must be imagining it, eyes were on him instead, cu’z he is a good looking guy after all.

When we finally arrived at Harrods, the girls who were working there were ogling eyes at him, while I just find the Harrods pouch which was on sale.

After I found it, I looked at the price tag and gawked at it, ‘what the heck? It’s on sale but… come it's still pricy!?’, I was left speechless. Just then I felt a warm presence behind me before they said, “what’s wrong?”, it was Seo Kangjun’s gentle voice.

“why is it still expensive..”, I pouted. He then placed his warm hand on my head and leaned closer to my face, “we’re using my card right? So it’s fine…anyway, today is your birthday, right? What do you want?”, he smiled and the distance between us are making my face hot.

“O-oh? You don't have to get me anything, I’m fine as it is”, I smiled up at him but he only smiled as if he was planning something.

He then looked at what I was holding, “hm? We’ll take this then….and that”, he pointed to a long strap bag, it has a (f/c). I quickly shook my hand, “eh no, I’m not buying tha-“. “chill, it’s for me”, he cut my line. Hah? Probably for his mom or something.

After he paid it with his card, he hold the two bags with him while his other free hand was grazing lightly on my hand before he held my hand tightly making me flustered, what is he doing? No wait wrong question, why is he doing this?

“u-um Seo Kangjun-sshi?”.

“yes?”, he still smile.

“your hand..”.

“what of it?”, he continued.

“umm…it’s holding mine?”, I said, but it sounded like a question instead.

He chuckled before giving both bag to me, "the strap bag is for you.... a gift from me". My eyes widened, "eh? No..".

“do you..”, he stopped himself from walking to look at me carefully, “dislike me?”. “eh?”, I quickly shook my hand in the air for the nth time while shaking my head, “no where near that! I would never!”.

He then hold both of my hand in his, “then do you like me?”. I was speechless, I was going to say I do but…that's just stupid.

He smile even more, “then, I guess my feelings are reciprocated after all?”, he started to lean even closer to me, and before the distance between us both was close, I woke up?

What? That was just a dream?? Ugh, I knew it’s too good to be true!

My version of First Kiss For the Seventh Time (DISCONTINUE until Further Notic) Where stories live. Discover now