"Either that or Wolverine just got a whole lot prettier," she teased.

"Rogue, how delightful to have you back." Hank said as he came into the hallway. "I was just about to make some tea. Could you use some refreshment after your long journey?"

"Yeah, thanks." She followed Hank into the kitchen.

"So why didn't you call for the jet?" Kitty asked. "Forge wanted to give the Blackbird a run; he's upgraded the stealth technology and wanted to test it."

"I just didn't want to bother you all."

"It's no bother, Rogue," Kitty laughed for a moment, then grew serious. "But I guess you didn't convince Gambit?"

Rogue shook her head as she dropped her bags and took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Sorry," Kitty sympathised. "But maybe you can try again!"

"I don't think it's going to work," Rogue admitted.

"Why not?"

"I don't know, I just feel like... something's missing."

"How so?"

"Like there's something huge and obvious right in front of me but I can't see it, and when I realise what it is, everything else will fall into place and make sense."

Hank interrupted them and placed a mug of tea in front it Rogue and Kitty, for which they thanked him.

"Speaking of missing pieces, Charles has finally discovered something relevant."

Rogue's interest was piqued.

"It seems that Gambit will steal a number of artefacts, all of which were designed to prevent Apocalypse awakening, or stop him if he should arise."

Rogue hung her head, that was not the piece of the puzzle that she needed.

"When did Logan learn that?" Kitty asked.

"Yesterday morning."

"And we're just hearing about this now!" Kitty sounded scandalised.

"Relax, Kitty, the first of these thefts is still months away. Plenty of time to plan ahead."

"But does that mean that he, like, works for Apocalypse?"

'Well, he did say he'd sold his soul,' Rogue thought.

"Apocalypse is not awake yet, so probably not," Hank argued.

"But why steal that steal that stuff?"

"He was probably hired by one of one of Apocalypse's followers."

Rogue decided to slip away while they were still talking. It didn't matter to Rogue who he worked for, if indeed it was anyone, what mattered to her was why he was fighting redemption. He wasn't a bad man, she'd bet her life on that, so why was he so intent on staying a monster?"

Logan hadn't even enquired after her, so Rogue had stayed in her room all evening. If he couldn't be civil, then she didn't why she should seek him out for a dressing down, so he had to wait until the morning briefing to judge her, although he had surely learned the night before that she had been unsuccessful.

"Well, that was a whole lot of time and money blown for nothing," Logan said, giving her a pointed look. "I thought you said you could handle it!"

"If you think you can do any better, feel free to try. I promise I won't be upset when you show me up."

Everyone knew that Logan stood less than zero chance of recruiting the Cajun. Kitty and Bobby tried to hide their smiles, while Logan simply gave a huff and moved the meeting on.

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