Brotherly Bonds

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It's been a week ever since Naruto was found by Shino.The two were practically like glue, pretty much stuck together.They had been playing with each other, finding different kinds of bugs and animals, you could even find the two of them just basking in sun and enjoying the other's company.

It was during one of their bug hunts that Naruto had finally worked up the courage to ask the one thing he had always wanted the answer to for a while now.

"Hey um Shino c-can I ask you s-something?"

Shino turned towards Naruto to show that he was listening.

"You can ask me anything Naruto"

Naruto took a couple of deep breaths to calm down.This was Shino.One of the first people to ever act kind towards Naruto.He even went out of his way to protect him.Him!Of all the people in this village and he chose to help him.

Naruto took one more deep breath and finally let it out.

"Can you tell me what it's like to have a family?"

Naurto spoke so quietly and timidly that Shino was barely able to catch what he said.

Shino couldn't tell if he was surprised by the question or if he was surprised that he hadn't realized that he would be asked that sooner or later.

It took a moment before Shino fully took in the question and came up with an answer.

"Well when you have a family it's like having support whenever you need it.Not all families will be like that.Some express their support or love in different ways.Families care about each other and will do their best to protect them.Not all families are just blood bonds.Anyone that you feel that way towards and they feel the same towards you makes them family."

Naruto took a moment to take in the information.

Protect.Families protect.But didn't Shino protect me from those older kids.Shino protected me.I want to be able to protect Shino.Just like he did for me.Does that make Shino part of my family?D-Does that make me part of S-Shino's f-family?

Naruto took another breath to steel his nerves.

"Shino, um I want to be able to p-protect you just l-like you did for m-me."

Shino thought about this for a moment and realized that Naruto genuinely wanted to protect him and not just return the favor.

Just when Naruto thought he had said something wrong and was about to apologize, Shino looked him straight in the eye and he smiled.

"Well I guess that settles that."

Naruto looked at him confused, not understanding what Shino was talking about.Naruto slightly tilted his head to show his confusion.

"Settles what?"

"It's settled then.You are now a part of my family."

Naruto look at Shino in utter disbelief.Happy couldn't begin to describe how he felt.Naruto was so thrilled that he tackled Shino in the biggest hug that he could managed with his little arms.

"Thank you.I finally have a family!"

Shino couldn't help the smile that got bigger as Naruto said those words.It just made him want to protect Naruto even more.

"What I am now?"

Naruto asked Shino with an expectant look on his face.

"What do mean Naruto?"Shino's voice laced with confusion.

"People in families have two names. One is their real name and the other is what they are."

It took a moment before Shino could figure out what Naruto was talking about.

Naruto Uzumaki:Honorary AburameWhere stories live. Discover now