My life...

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I have now lived on this planet for many years now... I still haven't found the one, my friends are going to feel like they can't move on.

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Mike: Hi

Rose: Hey Mike

Mike: What are you up to?

Rose: Just reviewing  the notes for are classes.

Mike: Do you...maybe want to go out tonight?

Rose: Me?

Mike: (Nods)

Rose: Yeah,sure okay.

Mike: Great! See you at my place, At 10:30 Bye.

Rose: Bye Mike.

While at Ravens place-

Alex: Hey Rave?

Raven: Yeah Alex? What's up?

Alex: I have something to do tonight.

Raven: Like what?

Alex: Have to help a friend study, you cool with that.

Raven: Yeah sure.

Alex: I'll pick something up for you later.(Kisses forhead) Bye.

Back at Rose with her date-

Rose: Mike! Wow you look super cutie

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Rose: Mike! Wow you look super cutie.

Mike: Thanks. You too!

Rose:So were are we going.

Mike: You'll see.

[They get in the car and drive away...]

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