Back at the Palace

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The two adventurers soon returned to the palace where Jasmine was waiting, greeting her love with a kiss and her sister-in-law with a hug. "Are you alright Lamia? You look like you've seen a ghost." She cast the princess a light smile. "I'm fine, really I am." She arched an eyebrow but said nothing. "I'm gonna go get ready for dinner, see you two later." And she was gone before they could reply. Jasmine sighed, taking her beloved's hand. "There something going on with her, try talking to her." he nodded. "Tonight, at dinner." She nodded sadly.


Back in her room, Lamia had attempted to play to Lura in order to get her mind off things but found she couldn't remember the notes, instead a silky voice took up the space. So she sat at the window, looking out on the desert where she knew the Cave of Wonders held something she wished was in her hands. "I know he's supposed to be completely gone, so why do I feel like he's right under my nose?" She looked to Lura who gazed at her before disappearing into the darkness of her basket, she rolled her eyes before sitting back against the windowsill. That when she heard a voice calling her; too loud to be Jasmine, too carefree to be Aladdin. Sweeping Lura up in one hand she ran out into the garden where she saw:

"Genie?!" The blue being stopped shouting her name and grinned upon seeing her. "Lamia!" With a joyful squeal she bolted across the yard and into his arms, laughing joyfully. Aladdin and Jasmine noticed this with careful, curious gazes.

"I thought you were going off to travel the world." "I did, how much do you think there's left to see after a years worth of going place to place?" "Good point. But why are you back?" He laughed, patting her on the back. "Why do you think? I missed you guys." She beamed, a bright happy one her brother hadn't seen in awhile.

"Oh tell us some of the places you went Genie." "Sure thing Lamia old pal, but I'm warning you; Agrabah has something no other place has." She arched a skeptical brow. "What?" He grinned. "You guys!" And he began to sing.

(Nothing in the World) 

When he was done singing, night had fallen and everyone was exhausted but happy. Lamia embraced him again, kissing his smooth blue cheek. "Oh Genie, it really is nice to see you again. I've missed you." He smiled bashfully. "Come on Lamia, you must have your hands full of suitors nowadays." Her face instantly darkened, lowering her voice to a shaky whisper. "If I did, I'd be turning them away. Only one has my heart." His grin vanished. "Oh, right." Was all he could say. Upon seeing her sad eyes he paused before resuming his grin.

"Tell you waht, I'll cook tonight, my treat!" She laughed as he headed off towards the palace. "You can't say it's your treat, you already said you're cooking!" "Yes I can!" "No you can't!" "Yes I can!" "No you can't..." Aladdin smiled as their argument faded into the building but before he could go inside himself Jasmine grabbed his sleeve.

"You saw it didn't you? The way her face lit up at Genie's arrival? Maybe he knows something, about why she's been so depressed these past few months." "I don't know Jasmine, I've always respected my sister's secrets, why start pestering her now?" "Because she's my sister-in-law! Come on Aladdin, don't you want to figure out what's bothering her?" He thought back to the days after their big adventure; how she didn't smile like she used to, how she always went to bed crying but denied the dry tear streaks the following morning, how it had been forever since he last heard her laugh...

"Yes, yes I do." "Then it's settled; first thing after dinner we ask her what's going on and this time, no backing down." He nodded, knowing in the back of his mind he probably would.

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