First Day On The Job

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Quick note: I'm gonna start saying I and me for Brooklyn instead and always saying she. I just think it will be easier

I woke up the next morning and quickly got dressed for my first day on the job. I was still quite shocked that I even got the job since I barely spoke.

I put on a light blue button up shirt with a black pencil skirt and heels. And like usual I put my hair up into a bun and put on light makeup. The next thing I knew I was out the door and driving to my new job.

I walked into the building and went all the way up to the top before making Mr. Maxwell's dark roast coffee. I don't know how anyone could ever enjoy that type of coffee. I looked at the clock and right when it hit seven I knocked on his door

"Come in." He called

I walked in with a cheery smile while Mr. Maxwell didn't even look up from his computer. I set down his coffee next to him carefully and folded my hands.

"What would you like me to do first, Mr. Maxwell?" I asked softly.

I saw him grab a stack of paper and hand it to me, but his eyes were still on his computer. Did this man ever pay attention to anyone?

I sighed quietly as I took the stack of papers and waited for him to tell me what to do with them.

After a few more seconds he finally said something. "I want you to organize those into alphabetical order and then put them in the open file cabinet to your right. The paper on top is a list of people's names that you need to set meetings for."

I quickly nodded before walking out of his office and closing the door behind me as I got to my desk, starting to do the tons of paperwork.

Mr. Maxwell's pov  ( first name will be revealed when him and her get closer )

I didn't really know why I hired that girl. There just seemed like there was something about her that made me think she would be a good secretary. So like usual I trusted my instincts and gave the job to her.

The next day I was overwhelmed with work as usual, not even daring to take my eyes off of my computer.

When I heard a knock on the door I glanced at the time on my computer and figured it was Brooklyn so I let her come in. I finally gave her some work to do which would definitely help me out with the work I was doing. I could feel that she was a bit upset that I didn't even look at her. As I heard footsteps walking away I watched her walk out. I had to admit she was quite beautiful. Probably the most beautiful secretary I've had.

Brooklyn's pov

It took me about two hours to finish putting all the papers into alphabetical order. Then I made meetings for Mr. Maxwell with all the names on the list that he had given me. And by the time I made all those meetings it had taken me an hour and a half since I was on hold for a while on some of those calls.

I grabbed the papers that I had put into alphabetical order and then I walked to his office, knocking on the door softly.

"Come in." He called, with his usual deep voice.

I walked in with a soft smile "I finsihed putting the papers in order." I told him before walking over to the file cabinet and putting the stack of papers into it.

"Did you make all those meetings?" He asked me, finally looking up from his computer with those dark green eyes of his. He was quite handsome with his dirty blonde hair and that amazing jawline of his.

"Ms. Myers?" He said lowly, snapping me out of the trance I was in.

"O-oh, uh yes. All the names you gave me you now have meetings with." I stuttered out.

He nodded "Make a schedule for me with the names, dates, and meeting places for all the meetings and then print it up and give it to me." He said before looking back to his computer.

I nodded and quickly walked out of his office to get to work on his schedule. It took a while to do it and once I finished I had to wait in line at the printer to get it since apparently everyone had to print something at the same time I did.

I finally got to the printer and then quickly walked to Mr. Maxwell's office with his schedule. I knocked on the door as usual and was quickly told to come in. I walked inside and handed him the schedule I had printed out "Here you are." I said softly with a smile. He took it and scanned over it. I turned to walk away and started to head to the door before I heard him say something.

"Ms. Myers, please come here." He said simply.

Suddenly, I was terrified that I had done something wrong or did the schedule in the wrong order. But what he said next surprised me.

"Since Mr. Carson wants to meet in France to show me his hotels, I will need you to come with me. He wants me to stay there for a few days so I will need you to take notes of everything he says and notes about the hotels." He said before raising an eyebrow at me. Probably because my jaw was hanging open.

Mr. Maxwell's pov

As I read over the schedule she had given me I was surprised that one of them wanted to meet all the way in France. I thought he would just fly to me but I was proven wrong. I knew that since he wanted to show me all of his hotels I would need someone to take notes of everything so of course that meant I had to bring along my secretary.

"Don't hang your mouth open Ms. Myers. We'll be leaving on Friday so you will need to get ahead of your work. Now go." I said to her.

She finally closed her mouth and nodded as I watched her walk out of my office quickly. I'm guessing she had never been to France before by her reaction. But she would soon.

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