I have H.H.P....Horrible hospital patient/Pranks dont go unpunished.

Start from the beginning

He slowly let go and I pulled back as well. Soon we were staring into eachothers eyes. He slowly leaned in getting closer to my lips. My heart was beating fast! All I could do was follow. When he is only inches from my face.

Suddenly the door slammed opened. I and Gaara jumped back quickly.I herd Gaara whisper a really bad word, that even I don't use,under his breath. I looked over and saw ducky starring at me shocked. Damnit...he always shows up at the wrong time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~way later at Gaara's house after he left the hospital ~~~~

Tamari's p.o.v

Finally Gaara came home I thought I was gonna have to go get him myself. I was worried about her but Gaara told me she woke up early. I wonder what he's up to he's been upstairs for a long time.

I slowly walked up the stairs and put my ear to his door. I herd grunting noises and I herd him getting frustrated. I opened the door and stuck my head through.

"Hey little bro,what are your doing?" I asked him.

He was on his bed holding a Teddy bear and some red fur next to him. "Nothing...damn! "He said as he accidentally jabbed a needle into his thumb. He licked away the small blood on his thumb.

I slightly laughed and walked over to him.

"Here let me help." I said taking the Teddy bear and the fur. I sat next to him and undid his thread. I started to sew the fur on properly. He watched me ,Slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry she'll love it..."I said laughing. He just starred intensely at me sewing. I guess he was trying to learn how to do it.

"I'm gonna sew the clothes...."he said blankly. I starred up at him and nodded. I continued to sew as he watched.

Its funny how a girl can change people...

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''About a week and a half later.

Mika's p.o.v (aka the nurse's daughter)

I walked slowly to the counter and pulled out paper work for room 138. I hate going in there. The same thing happens every time.I walked up the stairs and stood next to her room. I timidly knocked on the door and tried to listen for her signal to come in. I slowly opened her room door and looked around for her. As usual she wasn't in the bed...or in the room.

  "Kiyo!"I called.She was suppose to be in the bed.Just like Lee she was always places she wasnt suppose to be. I caught her in the senior citizens room eating jello and playing shougi with the elder people.Another time she was using the coloring books to make forts because she didnt want her shots. One of our craziest patients.

   I looked in the senior's room she stopped by for some jello,a friend told me, then left. I searched the entire 1st and 2nd floor. When I was tired I looked back on the chart and read it over. This is the 16th time this past two weeks she been gone. I walked down stairs and picked up the phone. I pulled out the list of references and went down the list. "Kitoun Atamaki..." I said softly. I dragged my finger from his name to his number and punched it in.

"Hello?" I herd a voice answer."Is this kitoun Atamaki? " I asked.

"Yeah...wait why did she put my full name? If your looking for kiyo she is probably on the roof training or something. You might as well send her home because she's gonna bust out eventually." He said laughing.

"Fine..." I hung up the phone and went up to the roof. Like he said she was up there...doing push ups on the air vent. She looked up and had a uh oh face. "Oh..busted! "

"Kiyoumie....go home." I said I walked away leaving her to celebrate . I stepped on a piece of paper. It was blueprints. I picked them up and showed it to her. She jumped down and smiled uneaily. "What is this?" I asked her. "Blue prints...I was going to break out tonight but since im being released you can go ahead and keep that." She said walking passed me.

~~~~~~~~~~~ later at home~~~~~~~

Kito's p.o.v

Well my sister came home like 3 hours ago. She hugged me then went to call neji ,then she took a shower. She just got out a few minutes ago. She walked in my room with a tank top and pajama pants with a towel wrapped around her head.

"Hey sis...how long does it take to shower? You must have dirty! "I said laughing

"Ha ha...I was washing my hair jerk! Where's my comb I know you been using it. "

I pointed to my dresser by the door and watched her pick it up and walk away. Then a couple of seconds later I herd kiyo scream from the top of her lungs. I immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom. When I opened the door I can honestly say that I wasn't even prepared for what I just saw.

"It's blonde!its pink!! Its horrible!" she yelled.

Her hair...was blond..and pink! It looked ok on her but that wasn't the point. I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. She look like the world ended. She picked a note off of the wall. She read it out loud softly."Welcome home!! ". She crushed the paper and thrown it down angrily.

"I'm going to see naruto..."she said with a fake smile. She tied her up and put a hat on.

"Hey don't kill him." I warned "I just wanna talk to him...." she said running out of the house.

Kiyo's p.o.v

I'm gonna kill him! I walked slowly through the forest looking for him. I am very mad,yet impressed! Well done my friend. I noticed naruto's hair sticking out of a tree's leaf's with someone else with him.

"I can see you losers!" I yelled. I aimed my kunai up at the tree branch. I throw it 3 inches from naruto's legs. As I figured he freaked out and fell out of the tree. "Loser..." I herd a familiar voice say as he jumped down the tree and unlike naruto he landed on his feet. Uchiha...he probably did it to.

"YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!! " he yelled jumping up and pointing at me. Honestly if I wanted to kill him I would have done it a LONG time ago. "Whatever!!Why did you mess with my shampoo and conditioner!?!" Out of nowhere sasuke took my hat off. Before I knew it my hair fell out of its ponytail. Naruto looked at me once then he laughed...hard!

"WOW NICE HAIR!!" He said between laughs...and guess what? Ducky was cracking up too!!

"You too did it!"I screamed. Naruto stopped laughing for to seconds only to burst out laughing again.

"WHO TOLD YOU I DID!? " I'm not gonna feel bad if he bust a lung out.

"On the note you left your initials on the bottom...then you put sasuke is a loser and p.s me and him did not do anything that includes messing with your shampoo and going through your room...and sasuke did it." I said showing him the crummbled up note.

"Oh....Its should come out in three days" he rubbed the back of his head. "You idiot!How are you a ninja anyways? " "Shut it sasuke!I'm gonna be hokage one day so you better respect me!! " They continued with their argument completely forgetting about me. Oh well...so now I have to wait 3 days until it could come out.

Ill get him back...just watch!!

You're not a monster, you're human (Gaara /Sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now